纪律,教会的标记? ——信洗派的角度
Is Discipline a Mark of the Church?-An Anabaptist Perspective Andres S. TANG This paper aims at giving a theological analysis of the Anabaptists' interpretation of discipline. For the Reformers of the 16th century, against the background of arguing...
The Sinews of Christ's Body – Church Discipline according to John Calvin Daniel YK LEE For Calvin, church discipline was so crucial to the well-being of the Christian Church that he was prepared to defend its exercise even to the point of jeopardizing...
再思教会/ 信徒告在不信主的人面前:析读哥林多前书六章1至11节
An Exploration of 1 Corinthians 6:1-11 Joyce Wai-Lan SUN When dealing with cases involving criminal elements inside the church, churches in Hong Kong are often reluctant to report the matter to the police for fear of adverse effects on public image and. ..
Divine Wrath and Discipline: An Old Testament Discussion WONG Fook Kong This article deals with the issue of divine discipline tinged with divine wrath in the Old Testament. Divine discipline could be divided into formative and corrective discipline....
The Exegetical Practice of Ezra: A Case Study of Mixed Marriages (Ezra 9-10) LAU Wing Kwan Fiona There is no regulation in the Pentateuch prohibiting intermarriages in general. The most specific rule on the matter is the prohibition of marriages between...
“My House Shall Be Called a House of Prayer for All the Nations”:Liturgy, Architecture and Ethics Bernard WONG and TUNG Kwok Wah This article examines the relationship between liturgy, architecture and moral formation. The statement “lex...
The Shaping Factors and Key Principles of Augustine's Concept of Ethics Nathan K. NG Augustine's concept of ethics was constructed from his personal existential experience, inspiration from Greco-Roman philosophy, pastoral and apologetic concerns,...
Obedience in Pauline Ethics: A Case Study of the Letter to Philemon Jonathan W. LO Although Paul uses a variety of ways to describe the ethical demands he places on his churches, “obedience”is one of the most meaningful ideas within Paul's...
Rethinking Pauline Ethics as Compared to Graeco-Roman Virtue Ethics—Implication of the Fruit of the Spirit Elijah LIANG Yi Li Yah The study of Paul's ethics was profoundly influenced by the perspective of Graeco-Roman virtue ethics. Most studies...