Community Socialization in the Theology of the Pastorals:- A Rhetorical-Canonical Reading Sam TSANG Rhetoric, intertextual, canonical and social reading ought to combine in the reading of the New Testament. With the simple theory of the New Rhetoric as...
A Rhetorical Study of Philippians and Its Theological Implications: A Preliminary Study Alexander MAK Recent works on New Testament theology by Thielman (Theology of the New Testament, 2005) and Matura (New Testament Theology, 2007) pay much attention...
“The Unrighteous Will Not Inherit the Kingdom of God” -Towards An Understanding of Paul's Soteriology Shiu-Lun SHUM With special reference to 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, this essay seeks to investigate Paul's soteriology anew. The...
The Spirit of the Law: Teachings Regarding the Poor in the Pentateuch WONG Fook Kong The Mosaic Laws are concerned about the plight of the poor and powerless, both in principle and in specific legislations. This article is a brief survey of the theological...
Theological Development and Significance of Demons in the Old Testament WONG Tin Sheung This paper proposes to identify different demons in the Old Testament and their origins in the background of ancient Near Eastern culture. Two kinds of demons are...
A Preliminary Assessment of the Recent Chinese Translations of the New Testament—Taking Verses from Hebrews as Examples LI Chun This paper analyzes certain verses in the Book of Hebrews in four different Chinese translations. It begins by comparing...
The German Loci (1556) by Melanchthon as an Attempt at the Indigenization of the Protestant Theological Instruction Mateusz OSEKA The present article examines an attempt at indigenization made by Melanchthon in the German Loci of 1556. It shows the relevance...