The Church and Pluralism in the Patristic Period: A Reconsideration of the Progress of Christianization of the Roman Empire during the Time of Constantine Nathan K. Ng The reason for the conversion of Constantine has long been a matter of scholarly debate....
The Challenge of Religious Pluralism: The Book of Acts as a Test Case Poling J. Sun Since the 80s of the last century the issue of religious pluralism has become a challenge to Christian communities. Granted the highly developed connections among nations...
Religious Commitment in a Pluralistic Society: An Old Testament Perspective WONG Fook Kong This essay begins with Brueggemann's observation about the “amazing pluralism” both within and without the Church. I agree with this statement...
Lectionary Preaching: History, Theology, and Praxis Poling J. SUN For many Chinese Christians under the Free Church tradition lectionary preaching is a hidden treasure, the value of which is yet to be appreciated. This article suggests that a study of...
Giving Food at the Proper Time: The Beginning of a Sermon MAN Chin Tao According to the gospel tradition, “Giving food at the proper time” is an attitude that shows a steward's loyalty to his/her master. This attitude has been applied.. .
The Paschal Message of Athanasius Nathan K. NG Because of the modern awareness of hidden biases against heresies in orthodox historical sources, scholars nowadays tend to re-examine them critically so that a fairer early church history may be reconstructed....
Using Metaphorical Language in Preaching: With Matthew 6:22-23 as an Example Takayasu FURUKAWA Poling J. SUN This article argues that the use of metaphorical language is crucial for making preaching an event in which the listener would experience...