“To Spread Scriptural Holiness to All Lands”: John Wesley on the Work of the Holy Spirit Peter KH LEE “To reform the nation, especially the Church, and to spread scriptural holiness to all lands.” This has been a classic statement.. .
Art and Idolatry in the Old Testament Roger CALLAWAY The Old Testament obviously speaks to the issue of idolatry. In this regard, the most famous passage is the prohibition against images in Exodus 20. However, because the Old Testament forbids the making...
The Use of Biblical Scholarship in the Ministry WONG Fook Kong This article argues that a major challenge facing Old Testament scholars teaching in seminaries is to democratize their learning. There are many reasons (eg, historical, theological) why...
The Bible, History, and Archaeology: Is There a Future for the Past? Roger CALLAWAY The nature and viability of “Biblical” archaeology is in question today. The original vision of WF Albright, which linked archaeology, history, and the...
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Studies in Old Testament Wisdom Literature: Trends and Significance Jerry MOYE Wisdom Literature in the Bible has been a neglected subject for many years. Gerhard von Rad who stimulated so much Old Testament thinking is one of the seminal scholars who...
Recent Trends in the Study of the Prophetic Literature Ka-leung WONG It is the objective of this article to discuss briefly some recent trends in the study of the prophetic literature. The first major section deals with some recent methods in handling...