The Historical Critical Method: Its Assumptions, Concerns and Contributuons Jeffrey R. SHARP One of the clearly recognized facts about modern biblical interpretation is that the Scriptures are rooted in history and that the interpreter who wishes to understand...
A Critical Reflection on the Responses of Hong Kong Christian Community to the Decriminalization of Homosexual Acts King-Tak IP The Law Reform Commission of Hong Kong released the “Report on Laws Governing Homosexual Conduct” on June 8, 1983....
An Ethical and Theological Evaluation of Homosexuality KWAN Kai Man In recent decades, the gay movement has become quite influential in the West, and there are signs that it is going to have a larger and larger impact on the society of Hong Kong as well.. ..
Paul's Teachings on Homosexuality: Mainstream Thought or Marginal Thinking? Poling SUN That the issue of homosexuality has been hotly debated is evident. Discussion among Christian communities takes on yet another dimension, namely, the biblical...
The Old Testament & Homosexuality Robert LO This article explores three contemporary Jewish scholars' view on Paul. Homosexuality is a hotly debated issue that the church cannot ignore. This article first treats scriptural passages that are...
Word in Worship: Its Notions and Practice Poling J. SUN Worship in the Christian community is an ordinance of grace in which God and human persons encounter each other. This encounter is initiated by God's revelation that evokes human response to...
The Spirituality of Baptism and the Lord's Supper in the Context of Worship E. Glenn HINSON Christian spirituality involves living life from the vantage point of a covenant with God whom we have come to know in and through Jesus Christ. It is not...