The Relationship between Christian Ethics and the Transformation of Life: A Study of the Role of the Holy Spirit and the Nature of Transformation Elijah LIANG Yi Li Yah Since Thomas Aquinas, Christian ethics and virtue ethics have been closely intertwined....
教会,贫穷与你何干⋯⋯! ? ——阐释尤达的主餐践行之神学及伦理意义
Poverty, None of the Church's Business … !?: Exploring the Theological and Ethical Significance of John Howard Yoder's Discourse on the Practice of the Lord's Supper Vincent CP LAU The discourse on the Lord's Supper by John Howard Yoder in...
The Rich and the Poor Need Each Other: Illumination from Shepherd of Hermas Joyce Wai-Lan SUN To many Christians, almsgiving and caring for the poor are biblical requirements and thus, natural responsibilities for every Christ follower. In the course...
Paul's Reciprocity on the Poor and Rich Solomon HF WONG At the end of the letter to the Romans, Paul says that he will come to visit Rome after he has delivered to Jerusalem the collection raised from the churches of Macedonia and Achaia. Paul also.. .