

Biblical Theology, Neurotheology, and AI/AGI/HAI/BCI: A Challenge from Interdisciplinary Integration for Biblical and Theological Studies

Philip P. CHIA

Interdisciplinary studies are in fashion again, though this round is very different from that of last century due to the “lightspeed” advancement in science and technology that has transformed the everyday lives of humanity on a global scale. This essay employs elements of biblical theology for its engagement in the development of neuroscience and artificial intelligence technology. It begins with a brief description of interdisciplinary studies, followed by a brief introduction and some updates on neuroscience development and its implications for the construing of neurotheology. Then it explores the latest development of artificial intelligence and its implications for human society and everyday living, which pose challenges to the (re)understanding and (re)constitution of the knowledge of God as Creator and humans as created beings and co-creators, as well as the role of human beings within the world of human creation as it relates to the divine God. The essay highlights the pivotal role that wisdom theology plays within the enterprise of biblical theology, linking wisdom theology with the theological concept of creation and the personification of Lady “Wisdom,” especially its role as the architect-engineer in “creation” (Prv 8:30). There is much room for interdisciplinary studies and integration of biblical theology, neurotheology, and artificial intelligence, in particular the neuroscience and AI-technology advancements that advance our current understanding of human neuro-circuits in brain study and nano-chip semi-conductors enhanced machine learning AI technology. These advancements have seriously challenged the role, purpose, and responsibility of human beings as not only created beings but also co-creators in all human advancement since the Genesis creation. All these fall within the concern of “wisdom,” leading to the (re)formulation and transformation of biblical and theological understanding of us as created creatures by the divine Creator, as well as the God-Creation/Cosmos -Human relationship.

