

Dietrich Bonhoeffer and His Homiletics

Andres S. TANG

D. Bonhoeffer followed the tradition of the reformation in which “the proclamation of the divine Word is the divine Word”. For him, proclamation of the divine word is not only the presence of the Word but it is the divine Word. This is because the divine Word is incarnate in Jesus Christ as the one who takes up humanity. In the same way, this incarnate Word takes up the human word in the proclamation so as to be present in the pulpit. This paper aims at articulating Bonhoeffer's understanding of proclamation in terms of preparation of the Word, proclamation of the Word, and follow-up subsequent to the proclamation of the Word. For Bonhoeffer there is only one point to say of homiletics, namely, that the preacher must make room for the divine word. Reading the Bible through listening to, meditating on, and waiting for God's Word in silence not only helps one to avoid the interruption of human's subjective idea but also helps one to form a sermon of God's Word. In the proclamation the preacher should be the servant and not the master of the divine Word. He/She is under the judgment and salvation of the Word as well. Humility, truthfulness and genuineness are the proper attitudes of the preacher in the proclamation of the divine Word. God's Word does not cease working in the minds and hearts of the preacher and the congregation after the act of preaching. He/ She has to continue listening to God's Word and begin the ministry of pastoral care with the proclaimed Word.

