

Transition, Transformation, and True Community: A Spirituality of Mentoring

Brian KB LAM

This article seeks to investigate a key issue in mentoring, namely, “How can we help others to grow?” by using the practical theology method suggested by Richard R. Osmer. The stories of three persons (William Bridges, James E. Loder, Jr., and Parker J. Palmer) are gathered and told in order to let us understand the process of how people change. Bridges' transition management theory gives us insights into why people resist even good and desirable changes. Loder's logic of transformation and four dimensions of being shed light on the work of the Holy Spirit in human growth. Finally, Palmer's practice of true community teaches us how to create a safe space for others' true selves to show up.

It is the thesis of this paper that questioning is the key tool in mentoring others. Through this interdisciplinary study of Bridges, Loder, and Palmer, we learn specific contents and contexts for questioning.

