

What Has Evangelism to Do with the Evironment?


Christians have only recently begun to accept that environmental concern and action should be regarded as integral to the mission of the church. There are still many conservative Christians who believe that the present earth is destined for complete extinction, and that therefore we can “forget the earth and evangelize for eternity.” Conversely, more liberal Christians tend to imagine that the church today should forget the Second Coming, and simply concentrate on just making the world a better place. In fact, the New Testament (and 2 Peter 3 and Revelation 21-22 in particular) speaks, not just about heaven as the final destination of those who confess Christ as Lord, but also of God's purpose to create “new heavens and a new earth.” God's purpose is nothing less than an entire new creation, inaugurated by the resurrection of Christ. If the new earth that is coming is to be in organic continuity with (as well as markedly different from) the present earth, then Christians have a responsibility to participate in God's mission to restore the whole created order.

