

Faith Experiences Linger in Convergence and Dispersion

LAM Chi Yeung

A new chapter in the faith experiences of Hong Kong Christians has opened. After the Covid-19 pandemic and the tide of emigration appeared in the same period, Hong Kong local churches were changed substantially. Local Christians were dispersed on Sunday services, although they might still converge together for online worship. Meanwhile, Hong Kong diaspora Christians dispersed in different regions, but online programs became a platform converging them unprecedentedly. Both local and diaspora Christians converge spiritually in the form of serving each other, sharing in fellowship, and participating in communion. Diaspora Christians can converge to start up a faith community more easily and quickly than before. The article attempts to explore the novelty of these faith experiences, which feature the combination of dispersion and convergence. The author highlights that the new type of faith experience is evolving and becoming an integral part of Christian daily lives.

