From Quasi-Goddess to Protestant Woman: Martin Luther’s Re-imagining of the Virgin Mary CHAN Hiu Ki Contrary to the reluctance of the Protestants to talk about saints and the Virgin Mary today, Martin Luther, the main initiator of the Protestant...
The Suffering Messiah as Christian Ingroup Prototype in 1 Peter Joyce Wai-Lan SUN This essay investigates the role and implications of emphasizing Jesus Christ as the Suffering Messiah in 1 Peter for the social identity formation of its targeted readers....
Paul’s Messianic Idea in the Letter to the Romans XUE Xiaxia There is no consensus about the way Paul uses the term Χριστός in the past half century. Some scholars argue that Paul usesΧριστός as a surname, which carries no significant...
Another Take on the JohannineTemple Cleansing Crux: A Perspective from Jewish Messianism Josaphat C. TAM John 2:13-22 has been an interpretive crux throughout the history of Johannine studies. There has been a long controversy as to whether there is only...
The Conflation of Messianic Traditions in Mark’s Composite Scriptural References Jonathan W. LO In this paper, I will examine Mark’s portrayal of Jesus as Messiah from the perspective of his use of composite references to Old Testament scripture....
The Messianic View of the Dead Sea Scrolls Tony H. K. SHER “Messiah” denotes someone who is being anointed with oil. In the Old Testament, the term is generally used to describe a person anointed and thereby installed to a certain position,...