“Patience as Method”——John Howard Yoder’s Epistemology of Peace Chi W. HUEN According to Mennonite theologian John Howard Yoder, “peace” is true so much so that nonviolence is in fact itself an epistemology. Pacifism...
Athanasian Principles on Maintaining Conflict and Making Peace Nathan K. NG Athanasius has long been a controversial church father. For some scholars, he was a steadfast champion of the Nicene faith. For others, he was an intolerant trouble and conflict...
Sharing The Blessing of The “Peacemaker”: An Exegetical Analysis of Matt 5:9 Jonathan LO In Matt 5:9, Jesus tells his disciples: “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God” What is the meaning of peacemaker in...
“An Eye for an Eye” As Law and Ethics WONG Fook Kong The lex talionis has had its fair share of detractors. The negative view of this law has lessened greatly in recent years as scholars noticed its underlying principle of just recompense....
Peace with God, Peace with Man: A Preliminary Study of the Meaning of Selamim in the Old Testament Tony H. K. SHER Sacrifice is a basic element of worship conducted by the ancient Israelites to Yahweh their God. Hence, to know the sacrificial system...
A Christian Activist’s Reflection on Deirdre Cornell’s Jesus Was a Migrant Peter HSU As a migrant for many years, and a Christian social activist for those people at the margins of society, I was drawn to this book by Deirdre Cornell because...
The Spirituality of Giulio Aleni in Tianzhu Jiansheng Yanxing Jilüe and Tianzhu Jiansheng Yanxing Jixiang Kwong-pui CHAN This article examines two books by Giulio Aleni that deal with the life story of Jesus Christ—Tian-Zhu Jiansheng Yan-Xing Ji-Lue and Tian-Zhu...
The Construct of “Hope” in Spiritual Care—An Empirical Exploration of Its Contextualization Simon Shui-man KWAN Hope has long been known as a central concept in the Judeo-Christian traditions. Yet, its pastoral counterpart has developed...