Spiritualitas—Another Reformation of Martin Luther Pilgrim W. K. LO A new movement of spirituality during the late 80’s of the last century in Hong Kong expresses interest in contemporaries like Richard Foster, Mother Teresa and Henri Nouwen....
The Spiritual Message and Significance of the Vita Antonii Nathan K. NG Vita Antonii is a classic on ancient monasticism. This article first evaluates the purpose of the hagiography and shows that it was intended to be a monastic guide in narrative...
Spiritual Role of the Jerusalem Temple in History and Tradition WONG Fook Kong This article investigates the spiritual role of the Jerusalem temple from the perspective of creation and temple building. On the one hand, the creation story in Genesis does...
A Love That Is Grounded in Faith and Hope Is a Love That Never Ends—Rethinking 1 Corinthians 13 Alexander MAK Faith, hope and love are often seen as three important pillars of Christian faith and spirituality. In 1 Corinthians 13 Paul argues for the...
Transition, Transformation, and True Community: A Spirituality of Mentoring Brian K. B. LAM This article seeks to investigate a key issue in mentoring, namely, “How can we help others to grow?” by using the practical theology method suggested...
The Nature and Scope of Paul’s Sufferings for Christ in 2 Corinthians 11:23b-29 and Its Implications for Christians Today Alexander Mak There is a tendency among Christians to think of Christian suffering solely in terms of persecution for their faith....
Dancing with the Missional Theology and Praxis: The Shifts from Lausanne Covenant 1974 to Cape Town Commitment 2010 Pak LOH Lausanne 1974 provided a catalytic momentum that shaped the evangelical mission landscape, particularly in its missional theology...
What Has Evangelism to Do with the Evironment? Brian STANLEY Christians have only recently begun to accept that environmental concern and action should be regarded as integral to the mission of the church. There are still many conservative Christians...
The Biblical Foundations of Christian Mission Brian STANLEY The theme of God’s loving mission to all humanity is present throughout the Bible — in the Old Testament as well as the New. The New Testament, however, shifts the emphasis from drawing...