Historical Models of Interpreting the Book of Revelation Jeffrey R. SHARP The average reader of the last book of the Bible often comes away scratching his/her head wondering what to make of this strange book. Throughout the centuries many methods or models...
Jürgen Moltmann’s Trinitarian-Eschatological Pneumatology: An Understanding in the Sino-context Andres S. TANG This paper aims to understand J. Moltmann’s Pneumatolgy in contrast to the natural philosophy of The Commentary of I-Ching by...
A Comment on the Contemporary Pentecostal Pneumatology Benedict H.B. KWOK This article consists of four main parts: 1) A dialogue between two Pentecostal scholars – Roger Stronstad, Robert P. Menzies – and James D.G. Dunn; 2) A dialogue between...
Wolfhart Pannenberg: Spirit of Life, Spirit of God Lindsay ROBERTSON Pannenberg’s doctrine of the Spirit is difficult, philosophically informed and comprehensive. He presents a doctrine of the nature and activity of the Spirit that combines an understanding...
“To Spread Scriptural Holiness to All Lands”: John Wesley on the Work of the Holy Spirit Peter K. H. LEE “To reform the nation, especially the Church, and to spread scriptural holiness to all lands.” This has been a classic statement...
Art and Idolatry in the Old Testament Roger CALLAWAY The Old Testament obviously speaks to the issue of idolatry. In this regard, the most famous passage is the prohibition against images in Exodus 20. However, because the Old Testament forbids the making...
The Use of Biblical Scholarship in the Ministry WONG Fook Kong This article argues that a major challenge facing Old Testament scholars teaching in seminaries is to democratize their learning. There are many reasons (e.g., historical, theological) why...