主題: |
教會與多元宗教處境 包括專題文章五篇及書評七篇 |
頁數: | 139 |
售價: | HK$100 |
專題文章 | ||
黃福光 | 從舊約看多元社會的宗教委身 | Abstract |
孫寶玲 | 多元宗教的考驗:新約使徒行傳的個案 | Abstract |
吳國傑 | 教父時期的教會與多元宗教處境:君士坦丁時期羅馬帝國基督教化進程再思 | Abstract |
曹偉彤 | 後自由神學的宗教觀 | Abstract |
鄺振華 | 多元宗教處境下的香港宗教自由:從回歸前後的幾個個案看香港宗教自由狀況的轉變和教會的責任 | Abstract |
Religious Commitment in a Pluralistic Society: An Old Testament Perspective
WONG Fook Kong
This essay begins with Brueggemann’s observation about the “amazing pluralism” both within and without the Church. I agree with this statement with the qualification that this has been the experience of Asian churches all along. Pluralism both within and without its ranks is not new to Asian churches. When we look at the Old Testament against the background of the ancient Near East, it is evident that ancient Israel also lived in a pluralistic society. Different gods competed for loyalty among the nations. Within Israel too there were different views about YHWH. It is against these competing ideologies that the authors of the Bible affirmed their commitment to worship YHWH as the one and only God. Thus pluralism should not be a reason for abandoning one’s commitment to worship YHWH as the one and only God. Rather, it is exactly in face of alternatives and competing claims that one needs to make a firm commitment to worship YHWH.
The Challenge of Religious Pluralism: The Book of Acts as a Test Case
Poling J. Sun
Since the 80s of the last century the issue of religious pluralism has become a challenge to Christian communities. Granted the highly developed connections among nations in this electronic age resulting in conversations and mutual influences, a plurality of cultural and religious phenomena seems inevitable. This is similar to the situation in which the early Christian communities found themselves, addressing and being addressed by a world characterized by cultural inter-penetration. With this in view, this article offers a study of several passages in the Book of Acts, attempting to explore how the early Christian communities encountered their surrounding culture in the course of finding their identity and appropriating their mission.
The Church and Pluralism in the Patristic Period: A Reconsideration of the Progress of Christianization of the Roman Empire during the Time of Constantine
Nathan K. Ng
The reason for the conversion of Constantine has long been a matter of scholarly debate. Traditionally, the emperor is believed to have been converted religiously by the power of Christ. Modern scholarship, however, tends to attribute the conversion to political reason. This article intends to reevaluate the controversial conversion through a reexamination of the progress of christianization of the Roman Empire.
The first section tries to show that the political stature of paganism was actually at that time much higher than the church. It would be very difficult to explain why Constantine chose to become a Christian if, as many modern scholars suggest, political stability was his sole concern. On this foundation, the second section argues that the emperor’s bias towards Christianity was at least partially religious. Putting all evidences into consideration, a proposal of the spiritual journey of Constantine is tentatively reconstructed at the end of the discussion.
然而,我有此想法時,卻經歷感情失意。我認為是神要我停下來, 於是將讀神學的事放下,改為攻讀教育碩士課程,然後繼續如常事奉和工作。三年過去了,由於工作失意,事奉也不如意,我越來越厭倦生活。這種厭倦感甚至蔓延到我一向熱愛參與的青少年事工和聖經教導工作,從越做越火熱,變成越做越辛苦。信心跌到谷底時,我問神:「祢在我生命中是否真的存在?過往發生在我身上的恩典,是否只是機率極低的巧合?」那時我想否定這些年來神賜給我的所有恩典。
2020 年,教會牧師邀請我出任教會職務,我最後沒有接受,在另一所公司任職。然而神卻一直教導我,陶造我,透過工作給我很多接觸學校的機會,教我學曉如何與老師溝通、策劃活動、了解學生的需要……好像是要讓我接觸及了解年輕人。2021 年,牧師再度邀請我加入教會全職工作。當時信徒移民、教牧同工退休及流失,教會事奉人手不足。這使我認真思考這是否回教會全職事奉的最適當時機。那時腦海反復浮現一個近乎遺忘了的畫面,就是在2017 年一個基督教音樂會的尾聲,有一位同工發出呼召,邀請有心志全職事奉的弟兄姊妹站起來;那時我雖然有點遲疑,但內心的火熱最終叫我勇敢地站起來。
從那天起,我就祈禱求問神的心意,但心裏卻又懷著各種憂慮,包括經濟需要、家人的反應等等。神沒有即時回應,卻要我耐心等候,直至 2021 年 12 月一個主日崇拜,那是在教會實習的神學生最後一次講道,而我就在影音室當值。當天我心不在焉,好像甚麼都聽不進去。奇妙地,我卻單單聽見回應詩的一句歌詞:「你去啦!」我恍然大悟,這就是神給我的回應!那一刻,我深信祂必為我開路。
在教會事奉第一年,弟兄姊妹就問我何時讀神學,當時我只是敷衍回應:「就看天父的安排吧!」 2023 年教會宣佈傳道人要離開,這卻給我很大的衝擊。腦海浮現一個想法:我應該如何帶領弟兄姊妹更親近神?當下,我把自己的感受帶到天父面前,心中萌生讀神學的意念,只是未能辨識這是否天父的心意。
「一個都不能少!」這念頭從 2023 年初就縈繞我心,當時我正籌備在蒙古國舉行的靈性體驗活動。活動期間,牧師在當地教會講道,鼓勵及呼召當地弟兄姊妹為差傳和宣教而接受裝備。不料,我卻聽見牧師呼召是否願意為牧養弟兄姊妹而接受裝備,自己內心不期然掙扎起來。在牧師再三呼籲下,我順服了,堅定地舉手回應,立志接受裝備。
十多年前,我參加一個敬拜讚美會,會上講員發出全時間事奉的呼召,當時我懷著熱切的渴望回應了。雖然沒有立即進入神學院,但總是記著我曾立志要全時間事奉神。之後,我的生命經歷神一次又一次的陶造:1998至2013年,父親患病十多年,讓我深深體會病者的無助和需要,以及照顧者的心情和處境;2011年,大女兒出生,讓我學習如何成為一位全職母親,過簡樸的生活;2014年, 家翁病逝,小女兒出生(出生前曾懷疑患上唐氏綜合症,感恩,最終一切正常),讓我學習信心的功課。
The Meaning of the Church’s Being in the World: Re-reading Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s Ethics
April Nok-Yan LAM
The objective of this article is to provide a way of reading Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s Ethics and shed light on his understanding of the church’s role in the world. Rather than solely examining the book, this article will take into consideration his earlier writings, such as his Sanctorum Communio and Discipleship, in order to provide a more comprehensive perspective.
The discussion comprises three main parts. The first part delves into Bonhoeffer’s interpretation of Jesus Christ, which serves as the foundation of his entire theological thinking. From Sanctorum Communio to Ethics, Bonhoeffer stressed the significance of Jesus Christ’s incarnation, as He is the real and active vicarious representative of humanity. As the vicarious representative, Jesus Christ is being-for-us: He bears our fallen humanity and creation on His flesh, standing before God and being crucified on the cross on our behalf, and renewing humanity and creation through His resurrection. Therefore, Bonhoeffer argued that there is only one reality, which is Christ-reality, and in that reality, God is present in the world, and the world is accepted by and united with God.
The second part discusses Bonhoeffer’s interpretation of the church, in which he stressed that it is closely related to the being and the act of Jesus Christ. In Sanctorum Communio, Bonhoeffer argued that the church has a two-fold nature: on the one hand, the church-community, as the new humanity realized and actualized through Jesus Christ’s vicarious representative action, is a divine reality; on the other hand, the church is also a human community, an empirical church that is actualized by God through the Holy Spirit and the word of Christ. Therefore, in essence, the church-community is created through Christ and in Christ, with Christ as its centre; and it is Christ’s body in the world, which means that it is a visible community in the world. This view of the church is present in both Bonhoeffer’s Discipleship and Ethics.
The final part of this article focuses on Bonhoeffer’s view on the church’s relationship to the world. In his Ethics, Bonhoeffer stressed that the church, as the body of Christ, is conformed to the form of Jesus Christ. It is for the sake of the world. Hence, in Christ, the church is the vicarious representative to the world—it is being-for-the-world and act-for-the-world so that the world may know the will of God in Christ-reality. Although Bonhoeffer emphasized the church’s being-for-the-world, it doesn’t mean that he rejected the view of the church as he expressed in Discipleship, that is, being the church-community in Christ and through Christ. Rather, as he did in Sanctorum Communio, he still maintained the two-fold nature of the church, which stressed that the church is both the goal and the tool of God in the world.
Theories and Practical Models of Spiritual Formation in Theological Education
Mei-Chuan CHU and Elijah LIANG Yi Li Yah
In theological education, spiritual formation is regarded as an indispensable aspect of nurturing future church pastors and leaders. However, as of now, the literature discussing the theoretical concepts and practical models of spiritual formation remains limited. There are variations in the understanding and implementation of spiritual formation among different theological institutions, and disagreements exist even among leaders within the same institution. This paper aims to investigate the existing understanding and practical models of spiritual formation in theological education. Our findings will serve as a reference for theological education institutions, and it is hoped that this will inspire more Chinese-speaking theological educators to engage in dialogue and research on this topic.
This paper identifies two approaches to spiritual formation in theological education in the current research. One starts with the unique background of each theological institution and takes into consideration the lives and calling of disciples as described in the Bible. It emphasizes that spiritual formation is the work of the Holy Spirit, and transformation is brought about through God’s word. This approach features designing spiritual formation programs tailored to the institution’s student community. The other approach focuses on one’s personal relationship with God, considering and incorporating biblical theology and social sciences to explore the factors and processes of individual spiritual formation. Both approaches have their advantages, but a lack of in-depth dialogue between practitioners who adopt different approaches may cause tensions.
In this paper, we also discover that the practical models of spiritual formation used in various theological institutions usually consist of two parts: learning within the classroom and learning outside the classroom. Spiritual formation within the classroom can be further categorized into three types: integrated courses, specific spiritual formation courses, and incorporating spiritual formation elements into existing courses. Spiritual formation outside the classroom generally includes personal spiritual formation, group spiritual formation, and spiritual guidance.
This paper concludes with a discussion of our findings and offers recommendations for future research and development on spiritual formation in theological education.
然而,我有此想法時,卻經歷感情失意。我認為是神要我停下來, 於是將讀神學的事放下,改為攻讀教育碩士課程,然後繼續如常事奉和工作。三年過去了,由於工作失意,事奉也不如意,我越來越厭倦生活。這種厭倦感甚至蔓延到我一向熱愛參與的青少年事工和聖經教導工作,從越做越火熱,變成越做越辛苦。信心跌到谷底時,我問神:「祢在我生命中是否真的存在?過往發生在我身上的恩典,是否只是機率極低的巧合?」那時我想否定這些年來神賜給我的所有恩典。
2020 年,教會牧師邀請我出任教會職務,我最後沒有接受,在另一所公司任職。然而神卻一直教導我,陶造我,透過工作給我很多接觸學校的機會,教我學曉如何與老師溝通、策劃活動、了解學生的需要……好像是要讓我接觸及了解年輕人。2021 年,牧師再度邀請我加入教會全職工作。當時信徒移民、教牧同工退休及流失,教會事奉人手不足。這使我認真思考這是否回教會全職事奉的最適當時機。那時腦海反復浮現一個近乎遺忘了的畫面,就是在2017 年一個基督教音樂會的尾聲,有一位同工發出呼召,邀請有心志全職事奉的弟兄姊妹站起來;那時我雖然有點遲疑,但內心的火熱最終叫我勇敢地站起來。
從那天起,我就祈禱求問神的心意,但心裏卻又懷著各種憂慮,包括經濟需要、家人的反應等等。神沒有即時回應,卻要我耐心等候,直至 2021 年 12 月一個主日崇拜,那是在教會實習的神學生最後一次講道,而我就在影音室當值。當天我心不在焉,好像甚麼都聽不進去。奇妙地,我卻單單聽見回應詩的一句歌詞:「你去啦!」我恍然大悟,這就是神給我的回應!那一刻,我深信祂必為我開路。
在教會事奉第一年,弟兄姊妹就問我何時讀神學,當時我只是敷衍回應:「就看天父的安排吧!」 2023 年教會宣佈傳道人要離開,這卻給我很大的衝擊。腦海浮現一個想法:我應該如何帶領弟兄姊妹更親近神?當下,我把自己的感受帶到天父面前,心中萌生讀神學的意念,只是未能辨識這是否天父的心意。
「一個都不能少!」這念頭從 2023 年初就縈繞我心,當時我正籌備在蒙古國舉行的靈性體驗活動。活動期間,牧師在當地教會講道,鼓勵及呼召當地弟兄姊妹為差傳和宣教而接受裝備。不料,我卻聽見牧師呼召是否願意為牧養弟兄姊妹而接受裝備,自己內心不期然掙扎起來。在牧師再三呼籲下,我順服了,堅定地舉手回應,立志接受裝備。
十多年前,我參加一個敬拜讚美會,會上講員發出全時間事奉的呼召,當時我懷著熱切的渴望回應了。雖然沒有立即進入神學院,但總是記著我曾立志要全時間事奉神。之後,我的生命經歷神一次又一次的陶造:1998至2013年,父親患病十多年,讓我深深體會病者的無助和需要,以及照顧者的心情和處境;2011年,大女兒出生,讓我學習如何成為一位全職母親,過簡樸的生活;2014年, 家翁病逝,小女兒出生(出生前曾懷疑患上唐氏綜合症,感恩,最終一切正常),讓我學習信心的功課。
The Meaning of the Church’s Being in the World: Re-reading Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s Ethics
April Nok-Yan LAM
The objective of this article is to provide a way of reading Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s Ethics and shed light on his understanding of the church’s role in the world. Rather than solely examining the book, this article will take into consideration his earlier writings, such as his Sanctorum Communio and Discipleship, in order to provide a more comprehensive perspective.
The discussion comprises three main parts. The first part delves into Bonhoeffer’s interpretation of Jesus Christ, which serves as the foundation of his entire theological thinking. From Sanctorum Communio to Ethics, Bonhoeffer stressed the significance of Jesus Christ’s incarnation, as He is the real and active vicarious representative of humanity. As the vicarious representative, Jesus Christ is being-for-us: He bears our fallen humanity and creation on His flesh, standing before God and being crucified on the cross on our behalf, and renewing humanity and creation through His resurrection. Therefore, Bonhoeffer argued that there is only one reality, which is Christ-reality, and in that reality, God is present in the world, and the world is accepted by and united with God.
The second part discusses Bonhoeffer’s interpretation of the church, in which he stressed that it is closely related to the being and the act of Jesus Christ. In Sanctorum Communio, Bonhoeffer argued that the church has a two-fold nature: on the one hand, the church-community, as the new humanity realized and actualized through Jesus Christ’s vicarious representative action, is a divine reality; on the other hand, the church is also a human community, an empirical church that is actualized by God through the Holy Spirit and the word of Christ. Therefore, in essence, the church-community is created through Christ and in Christ, with Christ as its centre; and it is Christ’s body in the world, which means that it is a visible community in the world. This view of the church is present in both Bonhoeffer’s Discipleship and Ethics.
The final part of this article focuses on Bonhoeffer’s view on the church’s relationship to the world. In his Ethics, Bonhoeffer stressed that the church, as the body of Christ, is conformed to the form of Jesus Christ. It is for the sake of the world. Hence, in Christ, the church is the vicarious representative to the world—it is being-for-the-world and act-for-the-world so that the world may know the will of God in Christ-reality. Although Bonhoeffer emphasized the church’s being-for-the-world, it doesn’t mean that he rejected the view of the church as he expressed in Discipleship, that is, being the church-community in Christ and through Christ. Rather, as he did in Sanctorum Communio, he still maintained the two-fold nature of the church, which stressed that the church is both the goal and the tool of God in the world.
Theories and Practical Models of Spiritual Formation in Theological Education
Mei-Chuan CHU and Elijah LIANG Yi Li Yah
In theological education, spiritual formation is regarded as an indispensable aspect of nurturing future church pastors and leaders. However, as of now, the literature discussing the theoretical concepts and practical models of spiritual formation remains limited. There are variations in the understanding and implementation of spiritual formation among different theological institutions, and disagreements exist even among leaders within the same institution. This paper aims to investigate the existing understanding and practical models of spiritual formation in theological education. Our findings will serve as a reference for theological education institutions, and it is hoped that this will inspire more Chinese-speaking theological educators to engage in dialogue and research on this topic.
This paper identifies two approaches to spiritual formation in theological education in the current research. One starts with the unique background of each theological institution and takes into consideration the lives and calling of disciples as described in the Bible. It emphasizes that spiritual formation is the work of the Holy Spirit, and transformation is brought about through God’s word. This approach features designing spiritual formation programs tailored to the institution’s student community. The other approach focuses on one’s personal relationship with God, considering and incorporating biblical theology and social sciences to explore the factors and processes of individual spiritual formation. Both approaches have their advantages, but a lack of in-depth dialogue between practitioners who adopt different approaches may cause tensions.
In this paper, we also discover that the practical models of spiritual formation used in various theological institutions usually consist of two parts: learning within the classroom and learning outside the classroom. Spiritual formation within the classroom can be further categorized into three types: integrated courses, specific spiritual formation courses, and incorporating spiritual formation elements into existing courses. Spiritual formation outside the classroom generally includes personal spiritual formation, group spiritual formation, and spiritual guidance.
This paper concludes with a discussion of our findings and offers recommendations for future research and development on spiritual formation in theological education.