
Message from the Editor of Issue 51

編者的話 吳國傑 近年,許多香港人受著種種負面情緒困擾。國際間,中美貿易戰帶來政治危機,俄烏戰事引發通貨膨脹,新冠疫症導致封關鎖城。在本地,反修例風波促使人際關係撕裂,政局改變衍生矛盾的情緒,香港移民潮下出現離愁別緒。凡此種種都直接間接影響港人的心情,城市彷彿被厚厚的陰霾籠罩。2023年的統計研究指出,香港人的快樂指數在亞太區排名倒數第一;當中尤其以年輕受訪者的快樂指數最低,普遍對生活感到悲觀。作為蒙神差遣在地上作鹽作光的教會群體,我們當如何回應時代,為黑暗的世界帶來亮光?今期《山道期刊》以「在盼望中活出信仰」為主題,期盼藉著眾學者對舊約聖經、新約聖經和靈修神學的研究,給身處困境的現代基督徒帶來啟迪。...
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第五十期 編者的話

Editor's Note When Wong Fuk-kwong published this issue of "Sandow Journal", Hong Kong was under impact: the COVID-19 epidemic was still prevalent, and a large number of people immigrated to other places. In response to these phenomena, the special topic of this issue is "Gathering and Dispersion". There are a total of six special articles in this issue, three of which are in the biblical studies category and three in the practical theology category. ...
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Hospitality - Practicing the Integral Mission

Hospitality - Fulfilling the Integral Mission of Missions Hospitality to the Little Stranger In the New Testament, hospitality is the mark of a Christian. Extending hospitality is not only polite and civilized behavior, it is also deeply spiritual. Martin Luther and John Wesley, the forefathers of the church, regarded hospitality as a sacrament and the mystery of the incarnation of Jesus Christ, "Immanuel." More importantly, the Bible has a lot to teach about hospitality. Romans 12:13 says: “Be hospitable to guests.” Here “hospitality” can be translated as “opening the door of your home.” Mark 9:37 also records Jesus’ teaching: “Whoever welcomes a child like this in my name welcomes me; and whoever welcomes me welcomes not me but the one who sent me.” Hebrews 13:2 also says: "Do not forget to welcome strangers in love; for some who have welcomed strangers have even welcomed angels without knowing it." There is also Matthew 25:35, 40. Verse: "I was a stranger and you welcomed me in...Truly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did these things to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me."...
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