
Message from the Editor of Issue 46

Editor’s Notes: The church community established and continuously constituted by the Holy Spirit in Christ through the Holy Spirit has always been living in the world; in this way, she will inevitably have to interact with the countries or governments in the world. This issue of "Sandow Journal" takes "Relationships between Church and State" as its theme, and invites different scholars to discuss this important topic in various fields such as the New Testament, church history, and systematic theology. ...
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Message from the Editor of Issue 47

Editor's Note: Huang Fuk-Kwong Although we have no such plan, the six special articles included in this issue's theme "Theology of the Body" can actually be classified into three categories, two articles in each category, if divided carefully. First, the article by Chen Yiu Ming and Chen Weijia can be classified as a biblical theological teaching on the body and its implications. The second category is articles written by Li Fuhao and the author, talking about disability. The last category includes articles by Zhao Chongming and Pan Yirong, which talk about the aesthetics and theology of the body. ...
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