Midway: A Life to be Hammered into Shape

陳之虎 道學碩士畢業生 Midway有感   畢業證書尚未到手!除了課堂學習已經完結,是甚麼標記著一個神學畢業生的「完成」?   作傳道工人的,是否真的有所謂「完成」與「未完成」呢?神學教育中的聖經鑽研、神學思考,尚要在教會的宣講和教導之中實踐和驗證;牧養關顧的果效,仍須看時間的考驗,並看你能否在弟兄姊妹人生不同的遭遇中作切身關懷。自己是否一位稱職、合乎主用的傳道工人,此刻沒有人可以回答你,還看你今後的努力與盡忠。許多知識、學習、思緒、領悟還需要時間來沉澱和貫通,那麼神學生涯的「畢業」意味著甚麼呢?...
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It’s Time to Move On

Luo Zhixiong, a first-year M.D. student, returned to the church from junior high school and got to know the Lord Jesus, and I began to grow in the church. Thank God, He constantly gives me opportunities to practice my spiritual life and practice my service, and also makes me understand that dedication means being humble, obedient, and being used by God without hesitation. ...
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The Gold Medal Winner

張傳揚 教牧學文學士一年級 傳揚、秀貞與長女天恩、兒子天衡及幼女天藍 三十多年縈迴於心間的感動   自重生得救成為基督徒後,我明白服侍神是我信仰生活非常重要的一環。我在青年時代曾想過進入神學院讀書,預備作全時間的工人,可是父親因病提早退休,我作為長子必須分擔一家六口的經濟責任,所以中學畢業後便進入政府部門工作。往後三十多年只好在教會裡積極參與事奉,雖然唸神學的念頭像束之高閣,但是全時間服侍神的心志卻始終沒有遺忘,這個感動常縈迴於心間,而且對於回應大使命──傳福音、救靈魂的催迫感也愈來愈強烈。為甚麼到今天才踏出全職事奉的第一步呢?我深信神是有祂的時間。...
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On Achieving Our Greatest Aspirations

As Associate Professor of New Testament Tsang Si-han wrote this, I was packing my bags and preparing to move to Hong Kong. Although busy, this period of time is also a good opportunity for me to reflect on life. Because I am about to leave a country I love, a place where I have lived for thirty-six years, and return to the place where I was born. Recently, in preparation for writing my second exegetical book, I have dabbled in many works, including postmodernism, post-structuralism, pragmatism, and critical realism...
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Sharing before the Church Music Revival Meeting

  溫張蓮老師是今年聖樂奮興會聯合詩班的指揮,她這裡的分享讓你可以體會她心底的期待和期望,也更明白一位音樂事奉者的服侍。 期待 溫張 蓮(本院教會音樂副教授)   我懷著一顆興奮的心,期待今年4月23日的聖樂奮興會。這是我與學院一些老師第二次合作設計的崇拜。今次的主題是「剛強壯膽.勇闖前路」,顧名思義,我們要在眾人面前高舉上主的信實,唱頌祂對我們的眷顧、安慰和祂永不落空的應許!我們亦會檢視自己軟弱的地方,祈求藉著上主的大能大力,我們有力量和勇氣面對人生、面對挑戰。...
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The Choral Singing Ministry of Our Seminary Students over the Past 59 Years

一點歷史回顧   不是每個蒙召者都天生一副好歌喉,但所有蒙召者的心靈裡,都有一首連繫於召命的頌歌;而一群蒙召者至真的歌唱,正是「浸神」詩班、「浸神」聖樂聚會的特色。   五十九年來,我們一代代神學生、一代代蒙召者以歌聲共同見證了神的信實和恩典;他們的歌唱,也成為「浸神」在眾人、眾教會面前一個延續不斷的見證。...
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The Feelings of One Who Listened to Graduating Preaching

It is a new thing this year that the College of Chan Laiwa Chan's third-year Bachelor of Arts in Pastoral Studies arranged for fresh graduates to preach in the morning assembly. For a group of students who have barely stepped out of the factory, it is a good thing to be able to try their skills in the academy for the first time. However, it is not easy to stand in front of teachers, classmates and co-workers to preach. It is such a big challenge. I believe that the students will not be without their struggles! I really want to applaud this class of students who have the courage to accept the training of preaching. ...
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The Feelings of a Graduating Preacher

A step preached by Huang Baiming in the graduating class of Master of Divinity. For me, August 2009 was the beginning of the last year of my life as a theological student. When I started school, I already told myself: "Time will fly by very fast, no matter the people and things around me. Cherish it!" Graduation preaching is a rare opportunity, shouldn't it be cherished? It seems easy to say it, but now that I think about it, I stepped onto the podium of the college with trepidation that day! ...
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Dribs and Drabs from the Graduating Sermons

We have extracted the following passages from the sermons of three graduating students to share the sermon information with readers. Although these paragraphs are only a small part of the entire sermon and are inevitably a bit fragmented, we still hope that readers who are unable to attend the morning meeting can share bits and pieces of the graduation sermon. Somewhat coincidentally, these three sermons jointly reveal the would-be evangelists' spiritual reflections on their own duties from different levels...
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