The Origins and Characteristics of Baptist Faith
Dean Cao Weitong, Assistant Professor of Christian Thought (Baptist History) Du Jinman Cao: Can you review the historical origins of the Baptist Church for us? Du: We may have heard that the Baptist Church was founded in Amsterdam, Netherlands, in 1609. At that time, the religious reform trend of the sixteenth century quickly spread to England. King Henry VIII also wanted England to break away from Roman Catholicism, so he implemented a series of reforms. But at that time, a group of people believed that the British Reformation was not complete and pure enough, and proposed to "purify" the church, so a group of "Puritans" emerged. However, they found that they could not push the government to establish the pure church they wanted, so they left the Church of England, and a group of "Separatists" was born. Two of them--Hervey (Thomas...
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