Repair, Restore, and Reconcile

曾競聰 道學碩士同學 第三組(土瓜灣)合照   「土家」導賞員領我們一行二十人完成了在土瓜灣舊區的導賞後,給我們一個額外的行程,就是參觀一個殘舊的天台。這天台在區內一棟唐樓的屋頂。由於此處長期荒廢,加上該樓宇快將重建,左右四鄰的住客就索性視此地為垃圾收集站,把舊家具電器通通丟在這裡,省掉拿它們到街上垃圾站的氣力。有一日,有些居民忍無可忍,便決定清理那地方。但垃圾眾多,他們便聯絡那一直義務幫助他們維修電器的「維修香港」義工,一同清理。據說義工花了至少整整七天的工餘時間,以人鏈傳遞的方式搬運,才把大大小小的垃圾清理好。如今這處十分整潔,繪上了美麗的圖畫,成了觀看日落、兒童遊樂的地方。...
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Toiling Silently after the Example of Jesus Christ

吳彬彬 道學碩士同學 第二組(土瓜灣)合照   屬靈操練日下午,我們往土瓜灣進行社區勘察。社區導賞員帶領我們來到「土家」(土瓜灣故事館)。這裡提供了一個地方,支援社區的居民,把街坊凝聚起來,並且透過簡單的家居維修,建立互助的關係網絡。她們在社區默默「深耕細作」,這豈不是昔日來華宣教士所作的事?...
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Sowing the Seeds of Change under Urban Renewal

曾煥琳 神學學士同學 第一組(油麻地)合照   我們第一組到訪的社區是油麻地。導賞員帶著同學們走進油麻地的大街小巷,讓我們認識這個面臨重建的舊社區。   我們首先來到砵蘭街。這裡有多個跨境直通巴士站,旁邊有一座新簇簇的酒店,聳立於周圍的舊區設施之中。導賞員指出,香港旅遊業的發展導致不少舊式小店結業。人脈隨著小店的結業逐漸疏離,舊日社區濃厚的人情味已不復見。...
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“Sowing the Seeds of Change”: Community Building and the Church Mission

禤智偉 實用神學(社會倫理)助理教授   長久以來,香港的教會服侍社會的模式,不外乎是「為人做事」(working for)或「為人發聲」(being for),卻缺乏「與人共事」(working with),甚至抗拒與教外的人和團體合作,更遑論去學習效法耶穌基督「與人同在」(being...
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The Spiritual Discipline of “Going into the Community”

林國彬 院牧 開課前的屬靈操練   本院在8月開始新學年;我們每年都以三日兩夜的「屬靈操練營」來預備師生迎接新學年。到了1月,我們則以「屬靈操練日」開始新一學季。   我們分別以屬靈操練營和屬靈操練日來開始新學年和新學季,是用具體行動來表達學院極重視師生的靈命培育。有位神學家說:「只祈禱,不學習,使人空洞;只學習,不祈禱,使人盲目。」對於神學教育來說,學習與祈禱,兩者互相融合,不能分割。在屬靈操練營裡,我們學習群體生活:一起敬拜,一起聽道,又分組彼此分享。在屬靈操練日,則每年有不同的靈命培育主題,讓師生一起學習、思考和體會。...
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Campus Extension Project III: A Short Introduction to Its Development

The Conception Seminary in the new teaching and research building of Zhang Lin Xiaoya, Chief Administrative Officer, has made great progress in various aspects such as curriculum innovation and teaching team in the past few years, and the number of students has also continued to increase. In order to support the sustainable and long-term development of the college, the Board of Directors established the "Campus Development Planning Committee" in early 2016. The purpose is to comprehensively understand the development needs of the college and formulate relevant plans. The "Campus Development Planning Committee" immediately established a "Architecture Team" under its jurisdiction, inviting talented professionals to serve as consultants to assist the college administrators in handling land lease modifications and provide professional advice on how to effectively use campus space. After carefully examining the development conditions of the college, the "Campus Development Planning Committee" recommended to the board of directors to build a teaching and research building on campus. The board of directors approved and accepted the proposal, and handed it over to the "construction team" to implement the recommendations. Teachers and students of our college have received the latest information on campus expansion, and professors have also provided opinions on the facilities required for the development of teaching and research in the college. The "architectural team" and professor representatives, together with architects, communicated and discussed with each other to shape the design of the new building. ...
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Expanding the Disciple Community of “Faith, Hope, and Love” and Campus Extension

Dean Cao Weitong still remembers that when I took office as the dean nine years ago, a member who cared very much about our hospital came to me and offered to make a substantial donation to the hospital for the construction of a new building. At that time, I thought that I had just become the dean and the school was in dire straits, so I wanted to seek God’s guidance and teach me how to lead the seminary out of the gloomy trough. I cannot live up to the love that my members have given to the college, but everything must be in line with God’s timing, and the top priority is to get the college back on track. So I made up my mind before God and quietly cultivated the soil given by God in the seminary. Wait for the time God has prepared to come. ...
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