President’s Message

Mini-Conference and "Waiting Room": Practical Theology on the Pilgrimage
Since the end of 2023, the Hong Kong Baptist Theological Seminary (HKBTS) has organized a number of mini-conferences in the grand conference hall on the third floor of the new academic building. The initial idea was to gather, after the pandemic, a group of spiritual friends and co-workers, who are also alumni, fellow pastors, or church leaders with a common faith, to share thoughts, reflect, and pray together...


Bachelor of Theology​

Bachelor of Theology​

Christians who are called to full-time ministry but do not have a bachelor’s degree are welcome to apply.
Master of Divinity

Master of Divinity

Christians who are called to full-time ministry and hold a bachelor’s degree are welcome to apply.
Master of Religious Education

Master of Religious Education

Christians who wish to pursue deeper knowledge in their faith and hold a bachelor’s degree are welcome to apply.
Master of Theology

Master of Theology

Christians who wish to upgrade themselves academically and already hold a first theological master degree are welcome to apply.

Other Programs

Admissions for 2024 Latest Programs

Lay Theological Education Program

Lay Theological Education Program

The Seminary has established Lay Theological Education Department since 1995 to address the needs of churches and to actualize our vision of "Priesthood of Believers".
Distance Education Program

Distance Education Program

The Seminary has set up the Distance Education Program since February 1998 to provide theological training by "correspondence" or via the "internet" for Chinese Christians all over the world, so that they can equip themselves at any time and place...
Edna Wong Christian Worship and Arts Education Centre

Edna Wong Christian Worship and Arts Education Centre

Edna Wong Christian Worship and Arts Education Centre aims to provide Christians with a renewed knowledge of worship by seeking wisdom from the Bible, theology and church history, and then coming to a correct understanding of genuine worship.
Pastoral Continuing Education Centre

Pastoral Continuing Education Centre

In this rapidly changing world, pastoral ministry is becoming more demanding and challenging than ever. With a view to meeting pastoral needs...

News and Events

Admissions to Apr to Sep 2024 Programs

Admissions to 2024 Latest Programs

Admissions to Jul to Sep 2024 Programs

Admissions to Apr to Jun 2024 Programs

HKBTS Newsletter 2024 May Issue

Hill Road Journal Issue 53 (Jul 2024)


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