The Characteristics of a Preacher
Cai Lixun Master of Divinity Third Year Scripture: Acts 8 26-40 Preface Today I will look at the story of Philip preaching the gospel to the Ethiopian eunuch and learn from it together. From Acts 8:5-6, we know that Philip could both preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and perform miracles, and his gospel work in Samaria was quite effective. Verse 6 says, “When everyone heard and saw the miracles that Philip was doing, they all obeyed his voice with one accord.” Verse 8 even says, “There was great joy in the city.” This is really a picture. Beautiful pictures! I believe that everyone must hope that their evangelistic work will have this kind of effect. We all hope that the people we evangelize will "obey our words with one accord" and "rejoice greatly." However, we also understand that the effectiveness of gospel work is not something we can fully control. Because this is the scope of the work of the Holy Spirit, just as Paul taught the Corinthian church, he said: "I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave it the growth." (1 Corinthians 3:6) As a preacher , what we can do is to plant and water, and think about how to do our part. Therefore, today, through the story of Philip preaching the gospel to the Ethiopian eunuch, let us think together: What qualities should a preacher have? What qualities should we learn? ...
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