Discernment and “Finding the Will of God”

Lu Yunxi, Assistant Professor of New Testament Hong Kong is currently going through a turbulent period, and the search for discernment has never been more urgent. Amid political uncertainty, social unrest, and social divisions, the challenge facing Hong Kong Christians is to make informed and wise decisions in an atmosphere of instability, mutual distrust, fear, and misinformation. Decide. Discernment is the ability to make appropriate decisions; and Christian discernment is the awareness that the best decisions we can make in any situation are those that closely follow God's heart. In these confusing times, it has never been more important to hear God’s voice amid the chaos. ...
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Discernment, Beginning with “Who Jesus Really Is”

鄧紹光 基督教思想(神學與文化)教授 基督徒的辨識始於辨識「耶穌究竟是誰」   我們在世生活,每天都無可避免地接收四方八面而來的聲音,教導我們怎樣做人、如何生活。但是,在這眾多聲音之中,應該如何辨識?我們作為基督徒,首要的辨識應從哪裡開始?...
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Learning about Discernment

The college focuses on “discernment” this academic year. We hope that through teachers’ teaching and sharing, students will have more opportunities to think about and experience how to “discernment” while receiving theological equipment. The teacher team is willing to work together to cultivate students to become evangelists who know how to discern, so that in this chaotic era, they can have the theological wisdom and life power to discern God’s will, closely follow the Lord throughout their lives, and become loyal servants of the Lord. servant. ...
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HKBTS Is in My Heart ― Alumni Interviews for Our 65th Anniversary

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Setting Off Again from the First Station

梁耀明 道學碩士 耀明、思恩與兒子歷言 既欣喜又感慨   回顧三年的全時間神學裝備,是「既欣喜又感慨」。欣喜,因進神學院是出於神的恩典,是自己對上帝呼召的回應,是投入全時間傳道服侍的一個起始點。在讀神學的日子,我常憧憬畢業後可以進入教會服侍;縱然自己也有軟弱乏力的時候,但感謝主的保守,叫我並沒忘記服侍主是自己期盼已久的事。感慨,因學習的時間匆匆流逝,我慨嘆這幾年在神學院接受多方面的操練時,自己沒有把握機會多讀一點、多學一點。...
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Disciple ‧ Missionary

Liang Biyu, first year Master of Divinity, an awakening: learning to be a disciple of the Lord. I grew up in a non-believer's family. God miraculously arranged for me to attend a Christian middle school, giving me the opportunity to know Jesus Christ. As a new believer in the Lord, I often longed to experience God, but the foundation of my faith was not solid. When I was in college, after enrolling in the discipleship training course of Campus Crusade, I realized that God not only requires us to trust Him, but also calls us to become His disciples and surrender the sovereignty of our lives to Him. At the same time, I also realize that the Great Commission is a command given by the Lord to every disciple. This awakening made me start to learn to be the Lord’s disciple, and also to learn to preach the gospel and make disciples. Later, at a camp, I heard this message for the first time—there are many people in the world who have never heard the name of Jesus! This message is like a warning sounding in my ears, and I feel heartbroken that many people have never had the opportunity to hear the gospel. ...
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It Is You Who Wants Me to Let Go

馮泳梅 神學學士一年級 愛的跌撞與尋覓   青少年時期的我十分反叛和自我,常希望引人注意。自小家中就充滿吵鬧的聲音,我討厭這個家,渴望得到別人的愛,所以從中三便開始拍拖。到2003年,拍拖五年的男朋友提出分手,我感到很受傷害,每天醒來便哭,慢慢對所有事物失去動力,甚至學業也放棄了。...
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