What Have I Gained

雷健生(2010年畢業)銅鑼灣浸信會署理主任牧師   我是在另一宗派的神學院修畢道學碩士課程的。牧會三年後,我再到「浸神」修讀神學碩士課程,並於2010年畢業。正式報讀之前,已向師兄打聽授課模式有何獨特之處,得知是以小班教學的模式進行指導閱讀學習(guided...
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The Cornerstone of Truth Stands Tall

So Ka-fai (Graduated in 2008) Acting Senior Pastor of Sha Tin Baptist Church "Theology" refers to the study of God-related topics. It covers a vast field that no one can fathom even in a lifetime of energy. I felt that my understanding of theology was quite shallow in the past, and studying for a master's degree in theology course gave me the opportunity to enter the world of theology. Through reading, thinking, analysis, discussion and reporting, as well as the teacher's explanation, I gained an understanding of the depth of faith. A feeling and experience. ...
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What Studying Hard Is for?

黃順成 神學科同學   我向來在其他宗派成長和服侍,而現今作為「浸神」的神學碩士生,我在這所強調浸信會傳統的學院裡有甚麼體驗呢?感謝神,與我一起學習的同學、「鞭撻」我們的老師,讓我得到美好而特殊的體驗,而這是主賜給我的禮物。我的得著既是由於課程的安排,也是出於不為人覺察的潛藏課程。...
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The Joy of Learning

陳合英 聖經科同學   猶記得在修畢道學碩士課程時,心中想到自己在未念神學之前,曾花上十年不停地修讀與工作相關的課程,而事奉乃一生之久,短短三年基礎神學課程匆匆而過,我還未及深化所學到的東西,便要告別校園了。為了在聖經教導的事奉上有更好的果效,畢業時心中已萌生繼續進修的念頭。只因牧會與進修兩難全,故此選擇先把心力集中在堂會的事奉。兩年後,教會加添了數位傳道同工,分擔了事奉的擔子,心想那應是適當時候報讀神學碩士課程了。...
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Genuinely Putting Faith in Practice

鄧愛華 神學科同學   當我與別人分享,提到自己的呼召是宣教時,常會遇上這樣的回應:「噢!那麼你為甚麼仍花時間念神學碩士呢?」那份不解的語調引起了我的反思。究竟從何時開始,人們把神學與實踐分割為互不相干的東西呢?缺少了神學反省的實踐所展現出來的信仰,到底是怎麼樣的信仰?...
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A More Solid Foundation ---- The ThM Class for Advanced Study

本院於2000年成立研究院,開辦神學碩士(ThM)學位課程,並於2013年接續開辦神學博士(ThD)學位課程。 我們透過兩個基礎學位課程——神學學士(BTh)與道學碩士(MDiv)課程,為教會培育能承擔牧養、宣教、傳道職事的工人;而研究院的開設,目的在於提供進深的神學教育,讓一群已完成基礎課程的教牧有機會進深學習,建立更堅實的根基,可以投入聖經及神學的學術研究,在教學職事、牧養職事上得著裝備、更新和發展。...
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The Growth of HKBTS: The Growth of Students

Liu Zhenpeng, Assistant Professor of Practical Theology (Christian Ethics) In the past five years, "Baptism in God" has been moving towards the goal and direction of "discipleship". The "disciple group" refers to all the faculty, staff and classmates of the college; we are all disciples of Jesus Christ, so we learn to be disciples of the Lord together. This is exactly the fulfillment of the Great Commission of Jesus Christ (Matthew 28:18-20): to make disciples of the Lord. For students, if they do not first learn and practice in the college community to become disciples of the Lord, how can they fulfill the great commission of "making people disciples of the Lord" in the churches they serve in the future? ...
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One-on-One Faculty-Student Mentoring

Kwong Zhenhua Associate Professor of Practical Theology (World Religions) has adopted a "one-to-one mentoring system" for students' spiritual cultivation since the fall semester of 2009. This shift is significant. Thinking back to thirty years ago, when I was a seminary student, the college mainly cultivated students’ spirituality through morning assemblies, morning prayer meetings and evening prayer meetings, and spiritual growth was seen as a personal relationship with God. The help of morning meetings and prayer meetings in spiritual formation is unquestionable. But the Bible also shows that the master-disciple relationship is an important channel for spiritual cultivation, and the relationship between Jesus and the Twelve Apostles is exactly that. Therefore, cultivating spirituality through the master-disciple relationship is a time-honored method, and its effectiveness cannot be replaced by other methods. ...
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The Rainbow after the Storm

Wu Guojie, Associate Professor of Christian Thought (Church History) After the storm, the college was replaced by Dean Cao Weitong. The wheels that were originally stuck began to be gradually repaired and adjusted with spiritual discernment. Some of the parts with problems were polished and refurbished, and some were screened and replaced; those that were damaged in the storm were also carefully repaired and lubricated with love. Driven by the grace of Heavenly Father, the redemption of Christ, and the burning power of the Holy Spirit, "Nianminghao" relies on the guidance of theological wisdom, uses preaching and teachings, and spiritual care as knots to set up the sail of earnest hospitality and missionary calling, and strives forward. Sailing. ...
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Cross-disciplinary Studies and Good Servant

Wong Fook-Kwong, Professor of Old Testament Bible. I have been serving at the Baptist Church for more than fifteen years, and I have seen the college go through many changes. Overall, the academic level of the college has been significantly improved in recent years, and the academic atmosphere has become stronger. In the area of Bible studies, we currently have four full-time teachers and three regular special teachers. This is the strongest lineup I have seen in "Baptism" for more than ten years. Two important factors for the improvement of academic standards are the launch of the Doctor of Theology (ThD) program and the strengthening of the Master of Theology (ThM) program. Due to the development of these two courses, teachers have to devote more efforts to research and writing; and the growth of the teacher team has formed a driving force that has led to a corresponding improvement in the level of other courses in the school. I joke with my students that they complain a lot when they write papers of only a few thousand words and are only read by one (very sympathetic) teacher; while we, as teachers, have to write papers of more than 100,000 words. books, and anyone can read and criticize our work! In contrast, students should be thankful and not complain like the Israelites in the wilderness. ...
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