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Non-degree subjects: Groups for the Golden Age and Leadership Skills

suject Non-degree subjects: Groups for the Golden Age and Leadership Skills
content This undergraduate course aims to help students understand how to effectively lead different types of golden age groups and learn basic group leadership skills.
1 Introduction (basic concepts and characteristics of the group)
2 Group development stages and characteristics (I)
3. Group development stages and characteristics (II)
4. Group Leadership Skills (I) Listening, Expression and Feedback
5. Group Leadership Skills (II) Team Building
6. Group Leadership Skills (III) Conflict and Emotional Handling
7. Skills in leading group discussions
8. Lead the group to experience activity skills, group evaluation and conclusion
Lecturer Pastor Bai Zhixin
Consulting Pastor, Mercy Baptist Church
Second Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors of Baptist Oi Kwan Social Service
object Believers who are interested in building a mature spiritual life
date 16/10 - 4/12 (Every Wednesday, eight sessions in total)
time 7:15pm - 9:30pm
Place Center for Applied Theological Education, Hong Kong Baptist Theological Seminary
7th Floor, Christian Building, 56 Bute Street, Mongkok, Kowloon (physical class mode only)
cost Registered students or auditors must be $890
Quota 40
Remark Undergraduate degree is Family Caregiver and Golden Age Ministry Certificate Course subjects. Other applicants may apply through Popular theology courses for believers Enrolling in this course is an elective course. If you meet the specified attendance rate and complete the course requirements of the instructor, you will be assessed as qualified and receive a course certificate.
Deadline for registration October 9, 2024
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