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Non-degree subjects: Children with special needs and play-based learning

suject Non-degree subjects: Children with special needs and play-based learning
content This undergraduate course is one of the five compulsory subjects of the "Walk with Your Children - Certificate in Child and Child Ministry" course. It aims to understand children with special learning needs, explore children's emotional problems and how to care for and shepherd children with special needs. families, and help children learn and grow through "board games and picture books".
A preliminary study on emotional problems in children (1)
A preliminary study on emotional problems in children (2)
Get to know children and children with special learning needs (1)
Get to know children and children with special learning needs (2)
Learn and grow through "board games and picture books"
Child and Child Care and Pastoral Care - Families with Special Needs (1)
Child care and pastoral care - families with special needs (2)
Instructions, preparations and techniques for online and offline teaching (1)
Lecturer (names not listed in order)
Mr. Ng Kin Man (General Secretary of Tai Po Baptist Church Social Service)
Mr. Yang Weikun (registered social worker and corporate trainer)
Dr. Li Yongxian (choir conductor, musical theater creation, children's music ministry training lecturer)
object Believers who are interested in building a mature spiritual life
date 27/6 – 22/8 (Every Thursday, eight classes in total), (Closed on 15/8)
time 7:15pm - 9:15pm
Place Center for Applied Theological Education, Hong Kong Baptist Theological Seminary
8th Floor, Christian Building, 56 Bute Street, Mongkok, Kowloon (physical class mode only)
cost Registered students or auditors must be $890
Quota 40
Remark This undergraduate course is a subject of the Children's Ministry Certificate. Other applicants can register for this subject as an elective course through the Believers’ Popular Theology Course. Those who meet the specified attendance rate and complete the course requirements of the lecturer will be assessed as qualified and receive a subject certificate. Please click here to enter the course introduction
Deadline for registration June 20, 2024
Registration form Online Application Download PDF Forms