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Non-degree subjects: Church Practical Support

suject Non-degree subjects: Church Practical Support
content This undergraduate course is one of the five compulsory subjects of the "Certificate in Church Administration" course. It aims to provide practical support to the church by exploring insurance, work process design and application, property repair, maintenance and management, and office safety and health. Have a more specific and accurate grasp; at the same time, understand the church's resource utilization and management by understanding the social support services of Christian institutions and charitable groups, companies and tax regulations.
1. Insurance
2. Resource utilization and management (material purchase, management, maintenance and inventory, etc.)
3. Design and application of workflow
4. Property repair, maintenance and management
5. Learn about Christian organizations and social support services
6. Charities: Companies and Taxation
7. Office safety and health
Lecturer (names not listed in order)
Mr. Chen Baosheng (insurance practitioner)
Teacher Yu Zhiwen (Lecturer of Missiology and Worship at China Mission Theological Seminary)
Rev. Guo Jianmin (Internship Director and Administrative Director of our institute)
Deacon Long Zhenfei (Deacon of Tsim Sha Tsui Baptist Church)
Mr. Ng Kin Man (General Secretary of Tai Po Baptist Church Social Service)
Ms. Wu Xiuhua (Certified Public Accountant)
Ms. Liu Huirong (Accountant)
Mr. Siu Chi-kang (Registered Occupational Therapist)
object Believers who are interested in building a mature spiritual life.
date 20/5-15/7 (Every Tuesday, 8 classes in total) (No classes on 1/7)
time 7:00-10:00 pm
Place Center for Applied Theological Education, Hong Kong Baptist Theological Seminary
7th Floor, Christian Building, 56 Bute Street, Mongkok, Kowloon (physical class mode only)
cost Registered students or auditing students are all: $1,160
Quota 40
Remark Undergraduate degree is Church Administration Course subjects. Other applicants may apply through Popular theology courses for believers Enrolling in this course is an elective course. If you meet the specified attendance rate and complete the course requirements of the instructor, you will be assessed as qualified and receive a course certificate.
Deadline for registration May 13, 2025
Registration form Online Application Download PDF Forms