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  5. 學位科目:喪禮設計與牧養神學


suject 學位科目:喪禮設計與牧養神學
content 基督教喪禮設計如何激發我們在生命的失落中,向主表達個人和群體的哀痛和盼望?崇拜與喪禮儀節中運用哀歌與頌歌又有甚麼原則?綜合聖經、教會歷史和牧養的觀點,課程會探討崇拜中如何以三一神為中心,從哀歌到頌讚,表彰教會在基督事件的救贖;並在安息禮拜中表達這份在基督裏出死入生的盼望。
Lecturer Dr. Luo Jieying
Assistant Professor of Practical Theology (Worship and Sacred Music)
Ph.D., Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary
S.T.M., Yale Divinity School and the Institute of Sacred Music
M.Div., Alliance Bible Seminary
object A mature Christian who has graduated from high school and has been recommended by the church pastor.
date 21/2-16/5(逢禮拜五,共10堂,4/4及18/4公眾假期停課; 25/4停課)
time 7:00-10:00 pm
Place You can choose real-time Zoom video or physical class mode
(Physical class location: 7/F, Christian Building, 56 Bute Street, Mongkok, Kowloon)
cost Auditor: $2,304
Quota 40
Remark The undergraduate course is a subject of the Bachelor of Christian Studies/diploma/certificate program at the same level. You are welcome to take it as an audit. Anyone with an attendance rate of 80% or above can apply for an "auditing certificate".
Deadline for registration One week before the course start date or while seats are full
Registration form Online Application Download PDF Forms