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非學位科目: 性格氣質與事奉

suject 非學位科目: 性格氣質與事奉
content 在教會及機構中事奉,除了要配搭合宜,也需要處理分歧與衝突,這些事奉層面與我們的性格氣質有很大的關係。本課程以 16 型性格為基礎,輔以其他性格理論,幫助學員對自身及合作肢體的性格及事奉風格有較具體的認識,讓學員在團隊事奉的互動中改善人際關係,促進合一。
1. 導言 – 性格與事奉
2. 人格發展理論簡介
3. 性格與氣質的測試與評估及應用
4. 性格氣質與事奉生命
5. 事奉中的協奏與火花
6. 領導風格與衝突處理
7. 生命素質與成長導向
Lecturer Mr. Kenneth Tsang
psychological counselor
Master of Counseling, University of New England, Australia
Master of Divinity from Virgin Theological Seminary, Canada
object Believers who are interested in building a mature spiritual life
date 6/2-27/3 (逢禮拜四,共八堂)
time 7:15pm - 9:30pm
Place Center for Applied Theological Education, Hong Kong Baptist Theological Seminary
7th Floor, Christian Building, 56 Bute Street, Mongkok, Kowloon (physical class mode only)
cost Registered students or auditors must be $890
Quota 40
Remark Undergraduate popular theology courses for believers Popular theology courses for believers core subjects. Anyone who meets the specified attendance rate and completes the course requirements of the instructor will be assessed as qualified and will receive a subject certificate.
Deadline for registration January 28, 2025
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