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- Issue 4 (Nov 1999) Out Of Stock
Hill Road Journal
Issue 4 (Nov 1999) Out Of Stock
Contents: |
The Study of Homosexuality There are 5 articles and 6 book reviews |
No. of Pages: | 200 |
Price: | HK$100 |
Thematic Articles | ||
Robert LO | The Old Testament & Homosexuality | Abstract |
Poling J. SUN | Paul's Teaching on Homosexuality: Mainstream Thought or Marginal Thinking? | Abstract |
Kai-man KWAN | An Ethical and Theological Evaluation of Homosexuality | Abstract |
King-tak Ip | A Critical Reflection on the Responses of Hong Kong Christian Community to the Decriminalization of Homosexual Acts | Abstract |
WAT Wai Ho | Pastoral Care for the Homosexuals | Abstract |
Pastoral Care for the Homosexuals
Robert LO
This article explores three contemporary Jewish scholars' view on Paul.
Homosexuality is a hotly debated issue that the church cannot ignore. This article first treats scriptural passages that are most often quoted in the debate, with the purpose of understanding what in fact they are trying to say. There follows an analysis of the theological assumptions within these passages in order to prepare the ground for their application to the current discussion on homosexuality. Finally, the article makes brief proposals as to how the church should use these passages in its own discussion of homosexuality.
One of the main concerns of this article is to emphasize that the church should adopt an attitude of openness and understanding toward those who are involved in homosexual behavior. We should not use the Bible to ostracize people who are different from us. The Bible should be used redemptively. On the other hand, persons involved in homosexual behavior should consider seriously the power of God's redemption to change what seems to people to be unchangeable.
Paul's Teachings on Homosexuality: Mainstream Thought or Marginal Thinking?
Poling SUN
That the issue of homosexuality has been hotly debated is evident. Discussion among Christian communities takes on yet another dimension, namely, the biblical view on the issue. According to some, the scarcity of New Testament references to homosexuality indicates that the issue is peripheral to New Testament core contents. The logic of this view goes on to argue that the New Testament teaching on the issue is culturally conditioned by the ancient Graeco-Roman world and thus is only relevant to Paul's contemporary setting. After a study of three Pauline passages I Corinthians 6:9-11, I Timothy 1:9-10, and Romans 1:18-32, this paper contends that the argument “rare means insignificant” simply cannot stand. The author demonstrates that although Paul's teaching is understood within its historical context, it also coheres with Paul's larger theological construct. Finally, this paper concludes that despite the paucity of texts on homosexuality, Paul's teachings on the issue are unequivocal and significant.
An Ethical and Theological Evaluation of Homosexuality
KWAN Kai Man
In recent decades, the gay movement has become quite influential in the West, and there are signs that it is going to have a larger and larger impact on the society of Hong Kong as well. The traditional Christian position regards homosexual acts as sinful. is completely at odds with the trend of modern thought which regards homosexuality as morally acceptable. Many people even feel that an anti-homosexual stance is a kind of discrimination. In the first part of this paper, I examine many pro-homosexual arguments. They include appeals to moral relativism, love, tolerance, the experience of homosexuals, the freedom of self-expression, etc. I argue that none of these arguments succeeds in proving that homosexual acts are morally unproblematic. Moreover, these kinds of arguments will also tend to justify incest, paedophilia, and bestiality. I argue that ultimately those arguments are based on the values of secular humanism, and Christians should uphold values which are based on their theology instead. I further argue that a theological ethics is not rationally inferior to an ethics based on secular humanism. I defend the theological position on homosexuality but also point out that the traditional position also has some excesses which should be corrected. Finally, I briefly discuss the issue of sexual orientation discrimination.
A Critical Reflection on the Responses of Hong Kong Christian Community to the Decriminalization of Homosexual Acts
King-Tak IP
The Law Reform Commission of Hong Kong released the “Report on Laws Governing Homosexual Conduct” on June 8, 1983. The Commission recommended that “the law should not prohibit consensual sexual conduct in private between two males provided both are 21 or more years of age .” In June 1998, “Homosexual Offences: Should the Law be Changed — A Consultation Paper” was released. The paper forwarded three options for consultation. These options were: (1) No change to the present law; (2) Removal of the criminal penalties for homosexual acts in private between consenting adults; and (3) Reduction of the penalties for homosexual acts in private between consenting adults. After these two rounds of consultation, the Legislative Council of Hong Kong finally granted its endorsement to the decriminalization of homosexual acts on July 11, 1990. This paper is an attempt to reflect critically on the responses of Hong Kong Christian communities to these two rounds of consultation. The paper argues that even though different Christian groups supported different options, they never engaged in serious dialogue . Therefore, this paper suggests that if Hong Kong Christian communities want to respond to pressing social issues, it should set up study groups and encourage Christians to dialogue on these issues.
Pastoral Care for the Homosexuals
Benjamin WAT
Although Christian churches do not accept homosexual behavior from the standpoint of biblical moral standard, churches affirm the responsibility to care for and minister to homosexuals. In this paper there is a brief discussion of the causation of homosexual sexual preference. There is no clear scientific evidence to show that homosexual behavior is genetically caused. Currently, most researchers focus on the influence of childhood traumatic experiences and dysfunctional family experiences as causes of homosexual behaviors. Care and steps counseling, from assessment to follow-up care, are introduced with consideration to the pastors' limited counseling training. The main emphasis is on pastors building a stable and intimate relationship with homosexuals, which is believed to bring healing power to the subjects' developmental wounds. These homosexuals are then encouraged to make new behavioral choices in life that will hopefully achieve life transformation.