Abide in Christ, Experience Companionship, and Live by Faith

Angela Yeung


  I used to think that full-time study at a seminary was something far away from me and not something I was expected to pursue, but I began taking evening theology courses for the laity. I never imagined that I would be called to study at a seminary, let alone that these three years of full-time theological training would turn out to be so wonderful for me. I truly experienced the faithfulness of our Lord, who understands my weaknesses and needs, and who gently molds my life and walks with me.

The Lord Who Keeps Me Company: Experiencing the Power of Companionship

  I remember that upon admission to the seminary, Rev. Brian Lam, our Chaplain, reminded us that apart from the main curriculum, there was another subject to learn—the “hidden curriculum” which is unique to each student. During my first semester of the first year, I encountered my first “hidden course,” which involved expressing my needs to others. At that time, I had to undergo surgery, the consequences of which might affect my studies. Then, I told my classmates about my need for their prayers. Unexpectedly, we had to take a test the day before my surgery. Even though my classmates were nervous about the test, they willingly sacrificed their study and rest time after lunch to pray for and with me. During the first semester of my second year, I was diagnosed with stage zero carcinoma in situ and had to take my exams earlier in order to prepare for my surgery. During the course of my illness and treatment, I learned to share my needs. As a result, I experienced the sincerity and care of my brothers and sisters who offered their prayers and companionship. During the busy period of assignments and exams, my classmates, despite being overwhelmed, were willing to put aside their own assignments and projects, and for two weeks, they spent nearly 10 hours after class with me via video conferencing to complete the last Hebrew assignment together and to help me study for the final examinations. Their kindness touches me deeply even now.

  Thank you Lord for my miraculous recovery, and for the “hidden courses” where I learned the importance of “sharing my needs” and experienced the goodness of companionship along the path. This gave me a deeper understanding of what the Bible means, “A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity” (Prv 17:17).

A Theology Integrating Beliefs, Knowledge, and Thinking: Live by Faith

  During my studies in theology, I discovered how traditional thinking, philosophies, rationalism, and all sorts of doctrines influenced how I viewed myself and others. My studies in theology and specifically, the systematic theology course taught by Prof. Andres Tang recalibrated my understanding of God, humans, and the community of disciples. During the past three years, I encountered a lot of challenges and difficulties, including my father’s hospitalization due to cerebral hemorrhage, and another family member’s debt issue which was so extreme he became suicidal. The theology I learned strengthened my faith in the Triune God whatever the circumstances, and I learned to love and accept my flawed family member by remembering that “God loves the world.” These life experiences enabled me to integrate what I have learned and what I believe, enabling me to live out my faith.

God’s Thoughts Are Higher than Humans’

  Initially, I pursued theology thinking I was making sacrifices for the Lord. However, upon finishing my three-year study, I realized how much God blessed me and let me experience His faithfulness. In these three years, I worried about my tuition fees, surgery costs, and the expenses incurred while taking care of my father. Ultimately, God not only provided all my needs but also placed me in a community of disciples who would support me through various hardships and walk alongside me in my weakness. God’s plans are far higher than my own. I had a genuine encounter with the Lord who conquered death and was resurrected from the dead during my years as a seminary student. This allowed me to know Him not only from books but also from life experiences so that I could trust Him more and live out the truths I believe.

  “Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths. Be not wise in your own eyes; fear the LORD, and turn away from evil” (Prv 3:5-7).

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