Remain True to Our Original Aspiration and Keep Our Mission Firmly in Mind
Li Jiangyong
Li Jiangyong and President Joshua Cho
Remain True to Our Original Aspiration
I remember well that when I first came to HKBTS, the faculty soon arranged for us mainland students to introduce ourselves. On that occasion, I spoke of my own intention of studying at HKBTS as striving to become a good preacher, delivering solid messages at the pulpit and shepherding my fellow Christians well. In the past two and a half years, my goal has always been clear. Holding on to the belief of “remaining true to our original aspiration and keeping our mission firmly in mind,” I have been working hard and progressing on these five aspects: spiritual, moral, intellectual, physical and communal.
Cultivating Theology
By the grace of God, I have had the opportunity to learn from many pastors and teachers during my days at HKBTS. HKBTS has provided an excellent environment for us to learn and to live, so that we can concentrate on our study, making continual progress in self-improvement and theological knowledge. Through such learning, we are able to get a grip on different theological thoughts, and seek to integrate and transform them into a kind of contextual theology appropriate to the Chinese church.
It is particularly worth mentioning that during my study at HKBTS, I have developed a keen interest in systematic theology, especially the methodology of knowing God and the world through the nature of Trinity (economic Trinity and immanent Trinity). Besides, I also had the opportunity to delve into different theological theories, such as creationism, providence, anthropology, Trinity and eschatology, etc., and gained some insights. Our teachers interpreted the Christian doctrines from the perspective of “diversity and unity” that allowed me to understand the formation and development of Christian doctrines from various levels. In this diversified and open academic environment, students respected each other even though we may have different opinions and perspectives. It is a feature of HKBTS that allows different voices in theological thinking: seeking unity in diversity and respecting diversity in unity.
Building Relationships
HKBTS places great emphasis on our relationship with God. In this big family, we entrust ourselves to God, and ask God to guide us and be with us. In addition, the most common saying on the HKBTS campus is probably “community,” because we are a big family, where we as “saints joyfully come together in the fellowship of Christ’s love, and whether from east or west, together study the Word.” While studying in Hong Kong, I have bonded with our teachers and fellow students in joy. Our teachers not only taught us how to know God and do theology in the classroom, but have also led us by example, motivating us with their own humble spiritual lives to become good pastors.
Be a Good Pastor
All in all, I am very grateful to be able to study at HKBTS. Thanks to God for letting me meet my teachers and have them walk with me on the same journey. “The road ahead is long and has no ending; yet high and low I will search with my will unbending.” I believe that under the guidance of God, we will certainly become good preachers.
Finally, may the Triune God bless the HKBTS family, so that each of our fellow students can become a witness for the Lord in this age, and be the light and salt of the world, practicing the Word of Christ!