Finding the Third Option between “Blue Ribbons” and “Yellow Ribbons”

  Pro-government person baptist anti-politics
allegiance to sovereignty Political power is the master
Self is also the Lord
Christ is Lord
Self is not the master
The people are the master
Self is also the Lord
government authority From the establishment
must respect
Divine right of kings
need respect
People's mandate
No need to respect
act with consideration regime intention
Comply with government decisions
God's will
truth determines action
people's will
Based on public opinion
Execution of government orders Submit and accept
Efforts to cooperate and implement
Need to judge
Is it in line with God’s will?
Need to judge
In the interests of the people?
community relations Integration of institutions
Fight for the favor of the regime
Invest in organizational activities
Faith first
Isolate unjust activities
Work hard to be salt and light
Throw into the crowd
win people's support
Do what the people want
The pursuit of goals Regime stability
Leaders benefit from it
eternal reward
The Lord is glorified
promote democracy
people benefit from it
social justice realized in this world
driven by the regime
eschatological realization
Sovereign judgment by God
realized in this world
derived from democracy
Go against civil orders loyal support
Support even if you disagree
face softly
Express your opinions respectfully
fierce resistance
fearless to condemn
unjust regime Accept the status quo
strive for internal improvement
Leave the road ahead to the Lord
fight hard
Rebellion and overthrow
fight for democracy Not necessarily supported
Depends on the attitude of the regime
Democracy may harm interests
relatively supportive
For a more righteous system
Process is more important than result
Strongly support
Democracy is a must
Try your best to succeed

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