Academic Research as “Faith Seeking Understanding” in Practice

Andres Tang

Professor of Christian Thought (Theology and Culture)

Development of Th.D. Program at HKBTS

  HKBTS introduced its Doctor of Theology (Th.D.) program in the spring semester in 2013. Students could major in Biblical Studies (Old Testament or New Testament) or Christian Thought (Theology or History). In the following year, two alumni, both of whom have completed the Master of Divinity (M.Div.) program and Master of Theology (Th.M.) program at HKBTS, enrolled in the program. The two students knew each other and both majored in Systematic Theology when they pursued the Th.M. program, though their research subjects were different. In summer last year (2020), one of them completed his studies and has his dissertation approved, becoming the first Doctor of Theology graduate at HKBTS.

  The efforts a Th.D. student has to make are very different from those of a Th.M. student. Studying for a Th.D. program is not an easy process at all. The student is required to complete four exam papers within two years in the first phase and a dissertation in four to five years in the second phase, which means a total of around seven years. Basically, this is a self-learning process; the job of the academic advisors seems easy because they do not have to offer and teach courses in each semester as they do in teaching Th.M. programs. However, this is not the true picture.

Teachers Encouraging and Walking with Students

  The life of mentoring Th.D. students is by no means easy. Instead it is long and painstaking. As students majoring in, for example, Systematic Theology have to pass examinations in three subjects, namely philosophy, theology and a specialized subject (in areas related to the student’s research), the academic advisor has the responsibility to work out a reading list (of about 40 books) with each student and set examination dates for them. Owing to students’ individual differences in learning abilities and in understanding and mastery of related knowledge, the academic advisor has to require individual students to sit in on the classes of certain subjects in the Th.M. program or even the M.Div. program, according to their individual situation, telling them where they should make remedial efforts and where they need further enhancement. In so doing, the academic advisor ensures that the students will broaden and deepen their knowledge so that they may complete the first phase smoothly. As to how effective this is, it all depends on the abilities and efforts of the students themselves. Besides dedicating their utmost efforts mentioned above, as a guide on the journey, the academic advisor can do nothing but pray for the students silently.

  Once the students have entered the second phase, namely the writing of dissertation, the academic advisor has to follow up on the research of each student individually, which requires even greater care. Basically, the area of research for the Th.D. dissertation that the students work on should be familiar to the academic advisor. So, it seems that the academic advisor does not have to spend much time and effort on doing extra reading and thinking in the area. What he needs to do is just to examine the academic standard of the students’ work meticulously. But is it really that simple?

  The difference between a doctoral dissertation and a master’s thesis lies mainly in their content and length. In terms of content, the main idea must be original while the discussion must be thorough. Simply put, the subject of research should be one that nobody has worked on before; and there must be sufficient and comprehensive discussions on the related perspectives in academia while the author himself must detail his own comments substantively. Lengthwise, the number of words is about 100,000, i.e. at least double the number required for a master’s thesis. The academic advisor must keep abreast of the latest discussions in academia, instead of sticking to his own understanding and mastery in the old days. Only by doing so can the academic advisor make a judgment of the students’ research and give them appropriate guidance so that the academic standard of the dissertations can meet the requirements of “originality” and “thoroughness.” Besides, it takes the academic advisor a lot of time and painstaking care to mark the students’ dissertations, which is another form of training in patience in addition to the academic work involved.

  For these reasons, it is not easy indeed to be the academic advisor of a Th.D. student. However, this is the only way not to let the Triune God down. As what the students are pondering over in the dissertations is the Triune God Himself and His works, we have to exhaust our wisdom and efforts instead of handling the job casually and superficially. After all, academic research is the practice of “faith seeking Understanding.”

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