
Studies in Old Testament Wisdom Literature: Trends and Significance

Studies in Old Testament Wisdom Literature: Trends and Significance

Jerry MOYE

Wisdom Literature in the Bible has been a neglected subject for many years. Gerhard von Rad who stimulated so much Old Testament thinking is one of the seminal scholars who brought the subject to attention. While his specific treatment has been challenged, we acknowledge our debt to he leading other scholars to give the subject serious study.

Among those scholars who have made the greatest contribution to Wisdom is James Crenshaw, distinguished professor at Duke University. Crenshaw's books are standard texts for many Old Testament teachers. His text Old Testament Wisdom: An Introduction (1981) gives a useful distinction between skepticism, pessimism, and cynicism in handling human doubt and faith. He contrasts the prophetic point of view with wisdom's view. Crenshaw has special sympathy for Wisdom's wider scope in speaking of God. Knowledge of God is found in astute observations of ordinary life as evinced in Proverbs. And it is found in extraordinary events of revelation as evinced in prophetic writings. We need to appreciate the balance and interaction of the various streams of theological thought in the Bible.

Brueggemann in his Theology of the Old Testament will give more attention to the dynamic interplay of Job and Ecclesiastes with Proverbs. Brueggemann contrasts calm untroubled faith in Proverbs with unsettled struggling faith in Job and Ecclesiastes. Indeed Brueggemann will demonstrate that this interaction is found within Psalms , particularly in the contrast of serene Psalm 37 with troubled Psalm 73. Both scholars are aware that Wisdom theology is not confined to the three canonical books of Job, Ecclesiastes, and Proverbs.

Wisdom theology is not confined to the Old Testament. Scholars have long noted the kinship of the Book of James to Wisdom. The teachings of Jesus share much in common with Wisdom teachers in the form of pithy concentrated proverbs. In a recent Festschrift dedicated to a Wisdom scholar in Baptist life (Festschrift to Marvin Tate), Pierce Matheney cites several works that relate New Testament to Wisdom.

There is a second Festschrift which gives stimulating recent studies of Wisdom. It is edited by David Penchansky and Paul Reddiff, and entitled Shall Not the Judge of All the Earth Do What Is Right: Studies on the Nature of God in Tribute to James Crenshaw (2000). The title indicates a concern to relate theodicy and wisdom literature. In this Festschrift there is a study by Roland Murphy. He is perhaps the leading Catholic scholar in Wisdom studies. There is a study by Leo Perdue, a former student of Crenshaw and in my opinion one of the best current scholars in the field.

Traditional categories in systematic theology speak of Jesus as fulfillment of Old Testament offices of Prophet, Priest, and King. We should add he is also fulfillment or supreme exemplar of Wise Man or Sage. When we think of Jesus as teacher and wise man, we do well to return often to the Sermon on the Mount. After a series of wisdom-related proverbs, we recall the ending. Those who heed the words of Jesus are wise people, building their houses upon a rock. It is a sure foundation.

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