
Didache: A Forgotten Christian Treasure

Didache: A Forgotten Christian Treasure

Nathan K. N.G.

Protestants generally do not acknowledge the importance of Christian tradition. In the nineteenth century, western Protestant missionaries passed this attitude to the Chinese churches they built. Although the relationship between the Roman Catholic Church and the Protestant communities has improved substantially in recent decades, ecclesiastical history is still an underdeveloped subject in the Chinese Christian circle. This article seeks to demonstrate the importance of historical study by focusing on a study of the Didache.

The Didache is a controversial and problematic document. A lot of scholarly discussions have been expended on it. At the same time, it is one of the oldest extra-biblical materials we have from the early church. The value of this literature is undeniable. By examining several passages of the Didache, the author seeks to explain how it provides insight and knowledge of biblical exegesis, early Christian life, and church administration. All these are very helpful in resolving modern ecclesiastical problems.

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