
The Practical Wisdom of James

The Practical Wisdom of James


The overall concern of the Epistle of James is not “faith with works” or the theme of faith, as many Chinese Christian readers tend to assume. James 1:2-4 states the pastoral concern of this work: the program to perfection in Christian life. To this end, wisdom plays a highly significant role. Christians are to pray to God for this wisdom from above (1:5). It is this wisdom that allows one to discern right and wrong, truth from deceit and gives people strength to counteract the evil inclination in oneself (1:12-17). Whether the wisdom one has is wisdom from above or worldly wisdom can be discerned from their respective manifestations in one's life. The wisdom from above demonstrates itself in the rainbow of seven characteristics (3:17). These seven (the number for perfection) characteristics are headed by the primary and overarching concern for purity. The rest can be further divided into three groups: (1) peaceable, gentle, willing to yield; (2) full of mercy and good fruits; and (3) without a trace of partiality or hypocrisy, which in turn are closely associated with the major themes found in James. The total outworking of these characteristics of wisdom from above is summarized by the aphorism in 3 :18: the peaceful person will bring forth righteousness, and will, in return, receive the crown of life.

Possessing wisdom is related closely with one's submission to the law. This law, which is the practical side of the implanted word, leads one to freedom and perfection (1:21-25). One with wisdom and understanding will obey the law and one who obeys the law will bring forth wisdom. They are indispensable from each other. Finally, wisdom is made available to the messianic people of God during the end time. It is a time moving towards the final judgment of God (5:9), a time full of testings, but also a time of progress towards maturity and perfection (1:12). Wisdom allows one to see life in the light of the eschaton and gives us strength to live this life wisely.

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