
Karl Barth's Theological Hermeneutics: Comment on Dr. Ou's Analogia Fidei ─ Subversion and Revision of the Theology of Karl Barth

Karl Barth's Theological Hermeneutics: Comment on Dr. Ou's Analogia Fidei ─ Subversion and Revision of the Theology of Karl Barth

CHIU Shung-ming

This paper is a review of Dr. Ou's Analogia Fidei ─ Subversion and Revision of the Theology of Karl Barth. It is essential for us to appreciate that the theological-hermeneutical question for Barth arises from his main theological concern, ie how to serve the church in its proclamation of the Word of God in a modern world. Undoubtedly, Dr. Ou has shown his sensitive awareness and clear interpretation of this area at various places in his book.

However, the reviewer also points out some questions for further discussion and exploration: (1) What was Barth's view on the ontological relation between scripture and Jesus Christ as the revelation of God? (2) According to Barth, why does God use Scripture, influenced by human factor, as the mediate witness of his revelation? (3) How did Barth explain the hermeneutical circle between the revelation from above and the cultural influence from below? (4) Was Barth a methodologically non-foundationalist but materially tran-foundationalist as the author suggested? (5) In the light of Barth, the author argues that George Lindbeck cannot make the doctrine witness the absolute truth of God appropriately. Is this a reasonable comment?

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