

Hope in Hebrews


The first readers of Hebrews were facing the crisis of yielding to the pressures of persecution, losing sight of the right perspective in life, and deviating from the focus of Christ as central to their confession of faith. Hebrews points out that believers are a pilgrim community moving towards the ultimate life goal, entering into the glorious presence of God, the eschatological rest, the abiding city, the heavenly Jerusalem. It is through Christ as the faithful and merciful high priest that this hope for them has been secured. Through incarnation, suffering, and death, God’s Son was perfected and appointed as the heavenly high priest who dedicated himself as sacrificial atonement for people’s sins, and he is seated at the right hand of the throne of God in the heavens. In this way, the way to God has been opened for those who believe not only as the ultimate hope at the end but even now. This picture of hope that Jesus achieved for believers inspires them to hold on to the confession of Jesus, the Son of God, as the Great High Priest and holdfast to this hope. Jesus as the Great High Priest is the one through whom the family of God is empowered to face life’s pressures, even death. The solidarity of the Son with the sons of God through incarnation is the source of inspiration for them to identify with the Son in shame and suffering, even in martyrdom. The solidarity of the members of the family of God in turn becomes another source of strength for them.
The pilgrim community of the people of God believes and trusts in the one faithful God, with the one Great High Priest over them. This is a community of mutual dependence, holding fast to and embracing one hope, their ultimate destiny. This hope is an objective reality, not a subjective affection. It inspires believers to make the right decisions in life. Eventually, it is Christ who is forever faithful to the family of God and will bring his brothers and sisters into the ultimate glory of God’s presence.

