

Paul’s Teachings on Homosexuality: Mainstream Thought or Marginal Thinking?

Poling SUN

That the issue of homosexuality has been hotly debated is evident. Discussion among Christian communities takes on yet another dimension, namely, the biblical view on the issue. According to some, the scarcity of New Testament references to homosexuality indicates that the issue is peripheral to New Testament core contents. The logic of this view goes on to argue that the New Testament teaching on the issue is culturally conditioned by the ancient Graeco-Roman world and thus is only relevant to Paul’s contemporary setting. After a study of three Pauline passages I Corinthians 6:9-11, I Timothy 1:9-10, and Romans 1:18-32, this paper contends that the argument “rare means insignificant” simply cannot stand. The author demonstrates that although Paul’s teaching is understood within its historical context, it also coheres with Paul’s larger theological construct. Finally, this paper concludes that despite the paucity of texts on homosexuality, Paul’s teachings on the issue are unequivocal and significant.

