

Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s Spiritual Care

Andres S. TANG

As a dogmatic theologian D. Bonhoeffer not only studies theology but also gives lectures on homiletic and spiritual care. However, his understanding of spiritual care does not attract much study. Bonhoeffer stands in the Lutheran tradition in his understanding of the nature and content of spiritual care. The purpose of spiritual care is not to help or advise how people live but to proclaim God’s Word of law and gospel. Bonhoeffer’s conception of spiritual care differs from those who use psychological and psychotherapical method and skill. According to him, the concern of spiritual care is defined by theology and not any human science. Spiritual care as proclamation is a kind of diakonia which demands listening and conversation between people accepting God’s Word. For Bonhoeffer, God’s Word of law and gospel alone is the help needed by those who disobey God’s Word. Law and gospel coexist in such a way that the former leads one to admit sin while the latter grants the sinner forgiveness. This understanding of spiritual care is highly significant for pastoral care in its endeavor to get out of the identity crisis in which Christian faith and theology have been marginalized for a long time.

