

The Pastoral Care of Athanasius to the Desert Monks

Nathan K. NG

In discussions about Athanasius, most scholars, especially those in the Chinese church, concentrate on his engagement in the Arian controversy but would fail to mention his contribution to the ancient monastic movement. Athanasius was a key figure in promoting asceticism and monasticism. His contributions to monasticism should not be neglected.

This article seeks to demonstrate how Athanasius’ pastoral care to the desert monks was central to his Episcopal career and how his ministry can be relevant to modern churches. Three successful elements may be discerned in his monastic ministries. Firstly, Athanasius valued the monks highly. He not only praised them, but also appointed some of them as bishops. Secondly, he taught them cordially with biblical truth. He corrected their wrong concepts of marriage and their practices of sleep deprivation and nocturnal emission. Besides, he also taught them how to become perfect monks in his Vita Antonii. Finally, Athanasius visited and showed concern for the monks frequently. Such monastic visits did not cease even when he was banished and was persecuted by the Arian party. For the Alexandrian archbishop, monasticism was not something less important than doctrinal controversy.

