

Ethics and the Issue of Pentateuchal Slave Laws

WONG Fook Kong

Slave laws are found in the Old Testament and admonitions are given to slaves in the New Testament. These teachings and laws do not speak against the institution of slavery directly nor do they call for its abolition. What they do teach is that God wants slaves to be protected or, even better, freed. They also teach his people to treat each other with dignity and to redeem those who have fallen into slavery. Thus these laws and teachings seek to undermine the institution of slavery by building an anti-slavery mindset into God’s people. However, in this sinful and imperfect world, there will be people falling into virtual or literal slavery and will be unable to escape their servitude. For these people, God encourages them to live out their faith in servitude and remember that they are free in Christ even though, for a time, they are subjected to earthly masters.

