

The Genesis of Hegel’s Theological Philosophizing

Jing-jong LUH

German idealism is the classic of theological philosophizing in the European intellectual history, and Hegel is the climax of this tradition. This essay attempts to discover the theological dimension of Hegel’s thought, firstly and especially in the context of the initial question of German idealism, i.e., its development from Kant-critique to the theological horizon of idealistic philosophizing. Secondly, it reveals Hegel’s original philosophical-theological question: The intellectual relation between human being as finite subject and God as absolute subject, which the speculative philosophizing of theology has initiated. Thirdly, it indicates the typical philosophical problem of German idealism: The tension of the idea of arche-principle and the knowledge of the Absolute, in particular the concept of idealistic history of consciousness. Consequently, we point out Hegel’s resolution-conceptualization about that problem, which is presented in a theological-philosophizing way from phenomenological dialectic to speculative-logical dialectic.

