

The Ecclesiology of Stanley Hauerwas

LI Chun Hong

Stanley Hauerwas is one of the most influential theologians in America today. This paper aims at introducing and analyzing his ecclesiology from three dimensions. First, the church is a narrative community. Hauerwas follows the postliberal narrative theology of Hans Frei and George Lindbeck. He emphasizes that the church is a storied community, which is shaped by the stories of Jesus and also proclaims the stories of Jesus. Second, the church is a polis. Hauerwas believes that the church is different from the world, and Christians are “resident aliens” in the world. The church is out of the world’s control, but contributes peace and justice for the world. And the mission of the church is to be church, to make the Kingdom of God visible. Finally, the church is a servant of the world. Hauerwas suggests two possible ways for the church to serve the world: peacemaking and education. The world can hear and learn the stories of God by the service of the church. For Hauerwas, this is not something the church does, but is the church itself.

