

Discipleship: A Perspective of John Howard Yoder

Vincent C. P. LAU

Discipleship and faithfulness can be regarded as a twin-core of Yoder’s theology. Yoder argues that discipleship is a practice of Christian faith, which is an embodiment of the church’s faithfulness. Simply speaking, the church’s obedience to discipleship is an expression of faithfulness. Since the church is the prefiguration of the divine order, a concept derived from Karl Barth, discipleship is the required training for the church whose mission is to reveal the divine order to the world. Yoder spells out the five practices of the church that breed tremendous impact on the world socially, economically and politically. The aim of the essay is an attempt to examine the meanings of discipleship in Yoder’s theology. Firstly, an overview of Anabaptist tradition that shapes Yoder’s discipleship is introduced. Secondly, an analysis of Yoder’s church-world relations in light of discipleship is surveyed. Finally, the meanings of discipleship expounded by Yoder and its influence on the world are elucidated.

