

Incarnational Discipleship: Jesus and Just Peacemaking Theory


This essay summarizes pertinent points from the book Just Peacemaking: Ten Practices for Abolishing War that the author edited. The ten practices are divided into three clusters: initiatives, justice, and community.

The first cluster entitled, “Transforming Initiatives”, deals with the issues of nonviolent direct action, independent initiatives, cooperative conflict resolution and acknowledgement of responsibility and repentance. Nonviolent direct action is based on Matthew 5:38-42; it advocates the use of nonviolent demonstrations, civil disobedience, strikes and boycotts to overcome injustice and avoid war. The second practice of just peacemaking, “independent initiatives”, is the practice of negotiating with the opposition in such a way as to decrease distrust and move towards a resolution. Cooperative conflict resolution, the third of this cluster, means keeping the channel of communication going in the midst of a crisis. The final practice of peacemaking in this cluster means exactly what the names say, “Acknowledge responsibility for conflict and injustice, and seek repentance and forgiveness.”

The second cluster of just peacemaking practice is called “Justice: Human Rights and Sustainable Economic Development.” It includes promoting values of democracy, human rights and religious liberty rather than intervening by means of war. It also focuses on building sustainable economic development as an aid to peacemaking since terrorism and violent rebellion tend to come from disenfranchised and economically desperate people.

The third cluster of just peacemaking practice is called “Strengthen Cooperative Forces.” The need for cooperative forces is due to human’s proclivity to sin (Rom. 3:23). Thus this cluster includes the practice of developing international networks of cooperation (e.g., via treaties, trades, and immigration) and strengthening the United Nations as well as multilateral peacemaking, peacekeeping and peace building efforts. It also includes the effort to reduce offensive weapons and weapons trade. Finally, just peacemaking encourages grassroots peacemaking groups and voluntary associations.

