

Theological Development and Significance of Demons in the Old Testament

WONG Tin Sheung

This paper proposes to identify different demons in the Old Testament and their origins in the background of ancient Near Eastern culture. Two kinds of demons are discussed here: one lived in a desert habitat and was harmful to humans; the other was the cause of sudden attacks of sickness and death to humans. In an earlier period, whoever died for whatever reason went to the same place — Sheol. In the beginning, the preservation of demons before the development of monotheism suited the need to explain something unexplainable, especially the sudden death of a pious person. After Yahweh, the sole god, took the responsibility for everything in the Hebrew religion, demons became a tool of punishment under his control. In a later period, the concept of conscious life after death began to develop. The earlier role of demons disappeared, since afterlife judgment, resurrection of the dead, and eternal life in heaven solved the theological problem and compensated for an improper death of a pious person. The conclusion may be drawn that demons in the Old Testament were different from those in the New Testament, especially given the fact that the latter came from fallen angels and acted as hostile power against God in the intertestamental period.

